
Creates routes for basic CRUD operations for the provided Mongoose models

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import crudRouteBuilder from '';



This is used to build simple routes for create/read/update/delete operations for your Mongoose models.


npm install crud-route-builder --save


router.use(basePath, buildRoutes(mongooseModel, {
    extensions: [Routes],
    before: [Routes],
    after: [Routes],
    resourceModifier: (Resource, req, res) => { ...; return Resource; }

The buildRoutes function expects two parameters:

mongooseModel - A Mongoose model object

args - This is used to specify additional routes, overwrite existing ones, or add middleware before or after the default functions. The args object can have the following properties, all of which accept only arrays of the Route object: extensions, before, after.

resourceModifier is used to modify the Resource object during runtime. It could be used for example in combination with the mongo-tenant module, to specify the tenancy.

    router.use('/example-1', buildRoutes(Example1, {
        resourceModifier: (Resource, req, res) => {
            let modifiedResource = Resource.byTenant(req.tenancyId);
            return modifiedResource;


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const {buildRoutes, Route} = require('crud-route-builder');
const Example1 = require('../models/Example1');
const Example2 = require('../models/Example2');

const app = express();

router.use('/example-1', buildRoutes(Example1));
router.use('/example-2', buildRoutes(Example2,{ extensions: [
        Route('post', '/custom-route', (req, res, next) => {
    before: [{
        Route('get', '/all', (req, res, next) => {
            // This will be executed before the default GET example-2/all functionality
    after: [{
        Route('get', '/all', (req, res, next) => {
            // This will be executed after the default GET example-2/all functionality 
            res.send(req.crbResult);    // When an After middleware is specified the result is saved in req.cebResult

app.use('/', router);

This example will create the following routes:

GET /example-1/all - Returns all documents. Additional GET params can be sent to filter or sort the request:

_start  = NUMBER
_end    = NUMBER
_order  = DESC | ASC    
_sort   = FIELD NAME    
field   = value

Example: GET /example-1/all/?start=0&_end=10_order=ASC&_sort=name&color=red This request will return the first 10 documents, where the field "color" is "red", sorted by the field "name" in ascending order.

GET /example-1/single/:id - Returns a single document by id.

POST /example-1/ - Creates a document. The data is expected to be sent in the body.

DELETE /example-1/:id - Deletes a document by id.

PUT /example-1/:id - Updates a document. The data is expected to be sent in the body. Only updates the provided fields.

The same routes will be created for /example-2 plus the additional POST /example-2/custom-route

You can find a simple example app in the example folder.

Additional notes

All CRUD functions are exposed and can be used where necessary:

    const {getSingle, getAll, create, update, remove} = require('crud-route-builder');

This module requires you to use body-parser. It won't work without it.