
This library contains UI components for CoStar Real Estate Manager v2.0, the styles of which were extracted from our design files on InVision for CREM 2.0

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import crem from '';


Costar Real Estate Manager v2.0 - UI Component Library

This library contains UI components for CoStar Real Estate Manager v2.0, the styles of which were extracted from our design files on InVision for CREM 2.0


To install the component library, follow the instructions on this page which informs you about how to set up a feed connection for the library through Azure DevOps. Then, once completed, open a terminal and run npm i costar@latest. And you're done. If you have questions regarding installation or usage, please reach out to:
Tyler Morrow [].


Import a component from this library just like you would from any other npm package. Ex: import {ButtonModule} from 'crem/src/lib/button' would be added to your imports in any Module-Name.module.ts file in your application.

Then use the component as described in our library's Storybook [link pending, please reach out to Tyler for questions in the interim]