
NPM Package to retrieve worldometers' live statistics of the Covid-19 pandemic. Scraper of

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import covid19Scraper from '';


Covid19 Scraper

License: MIT

NPM Package to retrieve worldometers' live statistics of the Covid-19 pandemic. Scraper of worldometers.


This packages uses web scraping to retrieve the statistical information. This could potentially mean a copyright infringement and be criminally prosecuted. The scraped information belongs to Worldometers and its sources. Use by your own risk.


npm install covid19-scraper --save


  • Get Total data
  • Get All data by country name
  • Get Total death data by day
  • Get Daily death data by day


Get Total data

var covid19 = require('covid19-scraper');

covid19.Stats.getTotalStats().then(function(data) {

getTotalStats returns an array containing total stats.

  total: [
      totalCases: '1,092,986',
      newCases: '+77,921',
      totalDeaths: '58,727',
      newDeaths: '+5,560',
      totalRecovered: '228,038',
      activeCases: '806,221',
      criticalCases: '39,402',
      ratio: '140.2',
      deathRatio: '7.5'

Get All data

var covid19 = require('covid19-scraper');

covid19.Stats.all().then(function(data) {

all returns an array containing the stats by country . The countries are named as listed in worldometers.

  stats: [
          country: 'Japan',
          searchLink: null,
          searchKeyword: null,
          totalCases: '2,617',
          newCases: '',
          totalDeaths: '63 ',
          newDeaths: null,
          totalRecovered: '514',
          activeCases: '2,040',
          criticalCases: '60',
          ratio: '21',
          deathRatio: '0.5'
          country: 'Indonesia',
          searchLink: 'country/indonesia/',
          searchKeyword: 'indonesia',
          totalCases: '1,986',
          newCases: '+196',
          totalDeaths: '181 ',
          newDeaths: '+11',
          totalRecovered: '134',
          activeCases: '1,671',
          criticalCases: null,
          ratio: '7',
          deathRatio: '0.7'

Get Total death data by day

var covid19 = require('covid19-scraper');

covid19.Stats.getTotalDeathByDay().then(function(data) {

getTotalDeathByDay returns an array containing total death by daily.

 stats: [
       date: ' Apr. 2  ',
       totalDeath: '53,167',
       changeDeath: '5,969',
       changeDeathPercent: '13%'
       date: ' Apr. 1  ',
       totalDeath: '47,198',
       changeDeath: '4,889',
       changeDeathPercent: '12%'

Get Daily death data by day

var covid19 = require('covid19-scraper');

covid19.Stats.getDailyDeathByDay().then(function(data) {

getDailyDeathByDay returns an array containing daily death by daily.

 stats: [
      date: ' Apr. 2  ',
      dailyDeath: '5,969',
      dailyChange: '1,080',
      dailyChangePercent: '22%'
      date: ' Apr. 1  ',
      dailyDeath: '4,889',
      dailyChange: '354',
      dailyChangePercent: '8%'


If any issues are found, they can be reported here.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.