
Cordova Voxeet Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginVoxeet2 from '';


Voxeet Cordova Plugin


This plugin is bridging the Voxeet's Toolkit/ConferenceKit calls. You can interacting with the plugin after the Cordova's deviceReady event.

It is mandatory that you added:

  • the iOS platform cordova platform add ios
  • the Android platform cordova platform add android


cordova plugin add

By default the postinstall options will try to build the ios package. To skip the postinstall you can set env variable `VOXEET_SKIP_IOS_BUILD` to true. `export VOXEET_SKIP_IOS_BUILD=true`


  • after cordova platform add ios in the project root folder
  • set ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES in Xcode build settings to true

To enable push notification, follow


No steps are required


To enable push notification, follow the steps in the app, for push notification, follow

  • Verify that the Voxeet Push Notification services's tags are before the other services registered in the AndroidManifest with the proper priority to prevent Cordova's FCM issues

  • You also need to make a modification in the generated MainActivity. Using Android Studio or any other IDE :

right before the call to super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); :

getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED |
        WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD |
        WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON |

This call use the following import : import android.view.WindowManager;

  • in order to implement properly the push notification, you also need to register the default accepted view if you changed its name. Edit the AndroidManifest.xml file and put this xml node in the :
<meta-data android:name="rn_voxeet_incoming_call_accepted_or_declined" android:value="" />



You can use the Voxeet and UserInfo classes using the following :

  • Voxeet is a singleton from which you will interact with the SDK
  • UserInfo is a class :
    • constructor : (externalId: string, name: string, avatarUrl: string)
    • json() : return the corresponding json

initialize without OAuth2

Voxeet.initialize(<your consumer key>: string , <your secret key>: string)
.then(() => {
  //if the initialization is ok
.catch(err => {
  //in case of error

initialize with OAuth2

//Voxeet.initializeWithRefresh(accessToken: string , refreshToken: () => Promise<boolean>)

//the callback to be used
const refreshToken = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    //here do your network call to get a new accessToken
    //and do resolve(theAccessTokenValue);

//the actual call to the SDK initialization
Voxeet.initializeWithRefresh("someValidAccessToken" , refreshToken)
.then(() => {
  //if the initialization is ok
.catch(err => {
  //in case of error

Session opening

Voxeet.openSession(<userId>: string, <name>: string, <avatarUrl>: string)
.then(() => {
  //if the session is started
.catch(err => {
  //in case of error

Start/Stop a conference

You can start a conference with its conferenceId. You can also invite others to join the current conference by using an array of UserInfo

Voxeet.startConference(<conferenceId>: string, <optional participants>: UserInfo[])
.then(() => {
  //call made and everything is ok
.catch(err => {
  //in case of error

You can also stop a given conference using the following method which will close the conference.

.then(() => {
  //call made and everything is ok
.catch(err => {
  //in case of error

Broadcast a message

.then(() => {
  //message sent
.catch(err => {
  //error while sending the message

Stop the session

.then(() => {
  //if the session is closed
.catch(err => {
  //in case of error

Cordova example

var user0 = new UserInfo('0', 'Benoit', '');
var user1 = new UserInfo('1', 'Stephane', '');
var user2 = new UserInfo('2', 'Thomas', '');

Voxeet.initialize('consumerKey', 'consumerSecret')
.then(() => Voxeet.openSession(user0))
.then(() => Voxeet.startConference('conferenceId', [user1, user2]))
.then(() => alert("done"))
.error(err => alert(err));

Supported Platforms

  • iOS
  • Android


This code-source is under the GPL-v3 License