
Notificare Push Cordova Plugin.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginNotificarePush from '';


Notificare Cordova SDK

GitHub release License

The Notificare Cordova SDK makes it quick and easy to communicate efficiently with many of the Notificare API services and enables you to seamlessly integrate our various features, from Push Notifications to Contextualised Storage.

Get started with our ๐Ÿ“š integration guides and example projects, or ๐Ÿ“˜ browse the SDK reference (coming soon).

:warning: The v3 SDK is currently in alpha. If you are running a production application, take a look at the v2.x SDK instead.

Table of contents


Push notifications: Receive push notifications and automatically track its engagement.

Push notifications UI: Use native screens and elements to display your push notifications and handle its actions with zero effort.

Inbox: Apps with a built-in message inbox enjoy higher conversions due to its nature of keeping messages around that can be opened as many times as users want. The SDK gives you all the tools necessary to build your inbox UI.

Geo: Transform your user's location into relevant information, automate how you segment your users based on location behaviour and create truly contextual notifications.

Loyalty: Harness the power of digital cards that live beyond your app and are always in your customerโ€™s pocket.


coming soon

Assets: Add powerful contextual marketing features to your apps. Show the right content to the right users at the right time or location. Maximise the content you're already creating without increasing development costs.

Scannables: Unlock new content by scanning NFC tags or QR codes that integrate seamlessly in your mobile applications.



  • Android 6 (API level 23) and above
  • iOS 10 and above


Add the packages to your package.json and follow the Getting Started guide.

# Required
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare

# Optional modules
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-assets
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-authentication
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-geo
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-inbox
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-loyalty
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-push
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-push-ui
yarn add cordova-plugin-notificare-scannables

Getting Started


Get started with our ๐Ÿ“š integration guides and example projects, or ๐Ÿ“˜ browse the SDK reference (coming soon).


  • The example project demonstrates other integrations in a simplified fashion, to quickly understand how a given feature should be implemented.