
compose middleware with router and run it like a charm

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import composie from '';



compose middleware with router and run it like a charm

This is a koa & koa-routers like library that enable you compose middleware and run it easily.

This library has no dependence, you can run it both in nodejs and browser.


npm install composie


yarn add composie


const Composie = require("composie");
const composie = new Composie();
  // add a global middleware to log
  .use(function(ctx, next) {
    console.log("request from channel",;
    return next();
  // add a global middleware to validate request data
  .use(function(ctx, next) {
    if (!ctx.request) throw new Error("bad request");
    return next();
  // add middleware for channel with prefix 'api/'
  .use("api/", function(ctx, next) {
    ctx.from = +new Date();
    return next();
  // add a router for channel 'api/user-info'
  .route("api/user-info", function(ctx, next) {
    ctx.response = "I am from first route for api/user-info";
  // add multi router
    // add another router for "api/user-info"
    "api/user-info": function(ctx, next) {
      ctx.response += ", hello from second, request at " + ctx.from;
    "view/home": function(ctx, next) {
      ctx.response = "This is home page";

// get response with promise"api/user-info").then(
  function(resp) {
  function(err) {
    // => bad request
);"api/user-info", { id: "xxxxxx" }).then(
  function(resp) {
    // => I am from first route for api/user-info, hello from second, request at 1538209634315
  function(err) {



Before use it, you should know that, every middleware is a function that recieve two parameters ctx and next:

function (ctx, next) {
  // your logic here

ctx is an object contains request info:

  channel: 'channel name',
  request: 'any request data'
  1. You should save your result in ctx.response, you will get it in .run promise resolve
  2. and you can add your own property to ctx to share information between middlewares
  3. use return next() or await next()(in async function) if you want ctx be processed by the next middleware, or just return to terminate it
  4. use throw to throw an error if an error occurred, you will catch it in .run promise reject


Create an instance

const Composie = require("composie");
// no arguments is needed
const composie = new Composie();

This libaray is writen in class, you should create an instance with new before use it


Add global middleware, all invoking will proccessed by global middleware

composie.use(function(ctx, next) {
  // your logic here

You can add more than more than one global middleware, they will run by the order you adding.

composie.use(channelPrefix, middleware)

Add a middleware for channel has specific prefix, when run the middleware, if the channel match the prefix, then will be processed by the that middleware.

composie.use("api", function(ctx, next) {
  // your logic here

You can also add as many middlewares as you want for one prefix.

composie.route(channel, middleware, [middleware...])

Add middlewares for a specific channel, you can add more than one at a time.

  function(ctx, next) {
    // your logic here
  function(ctx, next) {
    // another middleware

composie.route({channel: [middleware...]})

Add middlewares for more than one channel

  "api/user": function(ctx, next) {
    // your logic here
  "api/detail": [
    function(ctx, next) {
      // your logic here
    function(ctx, next) {
      // another middleware
});, request?)

run middleware for channel, it will return a promise"api/user", { id: "xxx" }).then(
  resp => {
    console.log("response ", resp);
  err => {
    console.log("error", err);

run middleware with custom context, a valid context must contain a string channel and an optional request.

    channel: "api/user",
    request: { id: "xxx" }
    resp => {
      console.log("response ", resp);
    err => {
      console.log("error", err);