
Small, composable rate-limited utilities for working with the CloudFlare API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudflareDdosEnable from '';


Cloudflare DDoS Enable

This is a set of two tools for updating the 'proxied' setting for CloudFlare DNS records.



Create a creds.json file as so:

    email: ''
    key: 'xyzzzzzzzzzzz'

Zone list

Generate a file with the (newline delimited JSON) data dump of all zones:

./bin/list-zones.js > zones.json

Records list

From the zones.json file, we'll generate a new list of records.

cat zones.json | ./bin/list-records.js > records.json


  1. Filter down the list of zones you want to change the setting for
  2. Update proxied status on those zones
jq 'select(.proxiable and .proxied == false)' records.json | ./bin/update-proxied.js


  1. Find a plan id.

. This is a per-zone call, but it appears, atm, that each zone uses the same set of plans.

  1. Set the plan id for all zones. There is at present no way to detect what zones have what plan id.
head -n1 zones.json | ./bin/list-plans.js
cat zones.json | ./bin/update-plans.js my-plan-id-goes-here