Chart.js Radial Gauge Chart
Chart.js radial gauge chart implementation

See Live Samples and Code Pen example
npm install --save chart.js chartjs-chart-radial-gauge
Chart Type
The code will register one new chart type with chartjs: radialGauge
Using node:
Or with a script tag
<script src=""></script>
<script src="node_modules/chartjs-chart-radial-gauge/build/Chart.RadialGauge.umd.min.js"></script>
and then use the radialGauge
chartType when create a Chart:
var ctx = document.getElementById('chart-area').getContext('2d');
var config = {
type: 'radialGauge',
options: {
new Chart(ctx, config);
Here are the configurable options for the radial gauge and their defaults:
options: {
animation: {
// Boolean - Whether we animate the rotation of the radialGauge
animateRotate: true,
// Boolean - Whether we animate scaling the radialGauge from the centre
animateScale: true
// The percentage of the chart that is the center area
centerPercentage: 80,
// The rotation for the start of the metric's arc
rotation: -Math.PI / 2,
// the color of the radial gauge's track
trackColor: 'rgb(204, 221, 238)',
// the domain for the data, default is [0, 100]
domain: [0, 365],
// whether arc for the gauge should have rounded corners
roundedCorners: true,
// center value options
centerArea: {
// whether to display the center text value
displayText: true,
// font for the center text
fontFamily: null,
// color of the center text
fontColor: null,
// the size of the center text
fontSize: null,
// padding around the center area
padding: 4,
// an image to use for the center background
backgroundImage: null,
// a color to use for the center background
backgroundColor: null,
// the text to display in the center
// this could be a string or a callback that returns a string
// if a callback is provided it will be called with (value, options)
text: null,
// the text to display beneath the text specified above
subText: null,
See my tutorial on medium
yarn install
yarn build