
Software Development Kit for developing plugins for the BuildFire mobile app building platform

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import buildfireSdk from '';


BuildFire SDK CLI

This Command Line Interface it meant for use with npm to maintain the BuildFire SDK

npm install buildfire -g

This will install the `buildfire' command line gloabally

The BuildFire SD is a framework that allows developers to develop Plugins on the BuildFire Platform to read more about this please visit us on github


buildfire [command]


  • create will download the latest SDK to the current folder
  • update will download the latest SDK and update the current folder
  • plugin takes [plugin name] will download latest version of the indicated plugin to the current folder. see a full list of open source plugins here
  • snapshots [appId | appUrl]: this will take pictures of the app home page or url requested at multiple resolutions