
Beautiful Responsive Ergonomic Configurable Sass library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brecBase from '';



Create beautiful, responsive, ergonomic and configurable products with value, function and appearance benefiting producers and users.


Included are the basics of our framework used throughout Vecna projects. We are sharing only the parts that are generic enough to be useful to others.

Base Files

These files are located in /sass/base/. Some modules may depend on base files.

  • Grid
  • Typography
  • Icons


These files are located in /sass/modules/. Modules are reusable, encapsulated styles. Some modules depend on the base files above, but modules never depend on each other. To keep your CSS files small, @import only the files you need in your project. Or @import "brec" for the full project.

  • Alerts
  • Badges
  • Buttons
  • Datepicker
  • Lists
  • Modals
  • Tooltip
  • Forms
  • Navigation
  • Pagination