
Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import boomstrap from '';


Pattern Library

Contributor Work Flow

Working on Master

  1. Pull latest

  2. Run gulp server

  3. Do your work

  4. Update Boomstrap versions in package.json and bower.json

  5. Run gulp when done working

  6. git commit -a -m "whatever"

  7. git tag -a v0.0.0 -m "Release v0.0.0"

  8. git push origin master --tags

  9. Run gulp website

  10. Run npm publish ./ to make available on NPM

  11. Publish release on GitHub and rename tag accordingly

Working on Another Branch

  1. Create branch from Master

  2. Run gulp server

  3. Do your work

  4. Run gulp when done working

  5. Submit pull request

Quick Reference


While working on Boomstrap, run gulp server. Open localhost:9000 in browser. All files are being watched for changes.

gulp server

When finished, run gulp to build production ready files.


Building Files

If you wish to build all production ready files, run gulp.


Website Task

Publish Boomstrap's changes to GitHub Pages by running gulp website task. Boomstrap GitHub Pages

gulp website

Set Up

Install Node

You will need to have Node.js installed on your machine. Click the install button on the Node.js website, download the installer, and accept all default settings when installing.

Install Gulp

Install Gulp globally.

npm install -g gulp

Install Bower

Install Bower globally.

npm install -g bower

Install Node Modules & Bower Packages

Now that you have Node, Gulp and Bower installed you can install the Node modules and Bower packages required to build.

Change directory to [boomtownroot]/admin_styles/ so that all subsequent commands apply.

Install Node modules (specified in package.json).

npm install

Next, install Bower packages (specified in bower.json).

bower install

Troubleshooting Node & Bower

Sometimes Node and/or Bower will flake out. When this happens, it may be necessary to delete your local node_modules and bower_components folders and reinstall.

npm install
bower install