
A package to integrate with Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection's consumer website.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bhtpUrl from '';



This package is availbale for use by accounts and partners of Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection for integrating with the consumer direct website.

Things to Know

  • Any parameters that do not have a value, will not be added to the integration url when using this package
  • All dates follow ISO 8601 standard
  • All countries and states follow ISO 3166-2 standard
  • All flight information is identified by IATA codes


This library supports es5 and typescript. This documentation is based off the bundled es5 file (bundles/bhtp-url.js)

the Link object

The link object holds all information about the integration and is the top level object in this package. It contains the following properties:

var agentCode;
var campaignId;
var productId;

var enableProdMode;

var trip;
var flights;
var travelers;
var policyholder;

function addFlight(flightObject);
function addTraveler(travelerObject);

function generateLink();

This information is used to identify the integration

  • agentCode: the id of the agent who is referring the user to the site. Used to track commission.
  • campaignId: an optional id allowing the integrating system to uniquely identify where there the reference is coming from.
  • productId: if a specific product is requested, it can be specified here.
  • enableProdMode: when finished testing, set this to true.

This is the insurable information

  • trip: information about the trip to insure. Description of the model is below.
  • flights: information about the flights to insure. Description of the model is below.
  • travelers: information about the travelers to insure -- this does not include the policyholder. Description of the model is below.
  • policyholder: information about the traveler holding the policy. Description of the model is below.

Generating a useable link

// true/false in the last constructor propertyindicatse enableProdMode
var data = new bhtp.Link('AA0057', 'TestPromo', 'ExactCare', false);

// Trip
data.trip.destinationCountryIsoCode2 = 'GB';
data.trip.residencePostalCode = '54481';
data.trip.departureDate = '2016-09-24';
data.trip.returnDate = '2016-10-10';
data.trip.initialPaymentDate = '2016-06-15';
data.trip.policyholderEmail = '';
data.trip.totalTravelerCount = 3;

// flights
data.addFlight(new bhtp.Flight('2016-09-24', 1234, 'DL', 'PNS', 'ATL'));
data.addFlight(new bhtp.Flight('2016-09-27', 2665, 'AA', 'ATL', 'LAX'));

// policyholder
data.policyholder.tripCost = 100;
data.policyholder.age = 34;

// travelers
var t1 = new bhtp.Traveler();
t1.tripCost = 100;
t1.age = 28;

var t2 = new bhtp.Traveler();
t2.tripCost = 200;
t2.birthdate = '1986-09-07';

// generate the link
var link = data.generateLink();


The constructor will create a new link object and it will initialize the flight and traveler arrays, and the trip and policyholder object.

the Trip object

The trip object holds all information about the trip to insure. It contains the following properties:

var destinationCountryIsoCode2;
var residenceStateIsoCode2;
var residencePostalCode;

var departureDate;
var returnDate;
var initialPaymentDate;

var policyholderEmail;
var totalTravelerCount;
  • destinationCountryIsoCode2: The ISO 3166-2 code for the destination country that will be visited. If there is more than one destination country, pass only one.

  • residenceStateIsoCode2: The ISO 3166-2:US code for the US state of residence without the US- portion in the beginning (Example: Wisconson = WI). If residencePostalCode is supplied, this will be ignored.

  • residencePostalCode: The postal code of the US address of residence of the policyholder. This takes precendence over residenceStateIsoCode2

  • departureDate: The date of departure in ISO 8601 format.

  • returnDate: The date of return from the trip in ISO 8601 format.

  • initialPaymentDate: The date the first payment toward the trip was made in ISO 8601 format.

  • policyholderEmail: the email of the policyholder

  • totalTravelerCount: An optional field identifying how many travelers, including the policyholder, that will be on the policy. This may be omitted in lieu of specifying a policyholder and travelers which are documented below.

the Traveler and Policyholder objects

The traveler object holds all information about the traveler to insure. It contains the following properties:

var birthdate;
var age;
var tripCost;
  • birthdate: the date of birth of the traveler in ISO 8601 format.
  • age: The age of the traveler. If the birthdate is specified, this value is ignored.
  • tripCost: The cost of the trip for this traveler in US dollars.

the Flight object

The flight object holds all information about the flights to insure. This is for AirCare products only. It contains the following properties:

var departureDate;
var flightNumber;
var airlineCode;
var departureAirportCode;
var arrivalAirportCode;
  • departureDate: the date of the flight's departure in ISO 8601 format.
  • flightNumber: The number of the flight.
  • airlineCode: The IATA code of the airline that is servicing the flight (Example: Delta Air Lines Inc. = DL).
  • departureAirportCode: The IATA code of the airport the flight departs from (Example: O'Hare International Airport = ORD).
  • arrivalAirportCode: The IATA code of the airport the flight arrives at.