
Generate a new Extended Widget

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bbCustomize3 from '';



bb-customize3 - Generate a new Extended Widget


bb-customize3 [--help] [-v|--version]
bb-customize3 <source-widget>
bb-customize3 <source-widget> --title target-widget --module target-module
bb-customize3 <source-widget> --title target-widget --module target-module --enable-slots
bb-customize3 --list


Usage: bb-customize3 [options] <file ...>

  -V, --version                            output the version number
  -t, --title <name>                       Widget Title (eg. Custom Product Summary)
  -m, --module <module>                    Module Name (eg. product-summary-extended)
  -s, --enable-slots                       Enable Extension Slots (commented by default)
  -d, --dist-path <path/to/compiled/libs>  Path to source widgets (default: "./node_modules/@backbase")
  -p, --widget-name-pattern <sub-string>   Filter out items (default: "-widget-ang")
  -l, --list                               List all available widgets
  -h, --help                               output usage information


Running this command wil generate a new Extended Widget that will copy from the specified Widget the following:

  • Preferences
  • Input/Outputs
  • Extension slot HTML

Important: A lot of Widgets leverage a 'Common' library, make sure to include that library as a Angular Module dependency manually, eg: TransactionsCommonModule ProductSummaryCommon

The tool will ask you first:

  1. Which Widget you would like to Extend (select from list)
  2. The name of the New Component (eg. Extended Product Summary Widget)
  3. The name of the New Widget (eg. product-summary-widget-extended)


List all available widgets

Lists all widget from default node_modules directory:

  $ bb-customize3 --list

Enable Extension slots

All extension slots templates will be uncommented. This flag could be usefull for testing if OOB Extension slots are working.

  $ bb-customize3 --enable-slots

List widgets in the dist/libs directory

All extension slots templates will be uncommented. This flag could be usefull for testing if OOB Extension slots are working.

  $ npm run package:libs
  $ bb-customize3 --list --dist-path dist/libs --widget-name-pattern -widget


This is a community supported tool, and is not affiliated or maintained by any commercial company. Usage is at your own risk!