
Node.js module for controlled batch processing, including log capture.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import batchProcess from '';


batch-process - a Node.js module for controlling batch processes

This module executes external processes, capturing output and reporting on status.

Used by the seneca-run plugin to execute external processes.

Build Status


If you're using this module, feel free to contact me on twitter if you have any questions! :) @rjrodger

Current Version: 0.1.0

Tested on: Node 0.10.31


To install:

npm install batch-process

Quick Example

var batch_process = require('batch-process')

// define a batch process
// with common options
var batch = batch_process({

// create a new process with
// its own overridden options
var proc = batch.make_process({

// listen for the 'report' event
// errors are also reported this way

  if( ) {

// actually execute the external process

Process Execution

Processes are run with child_process.spawn. The working directory is the current process directory, unless set explicitly via options (see below). Each process is given a unique indentifier in the format: name-timestamp-random.

The processes are not executed in a shell, so you must supply explicit arguments and full paths. You can provide environment variables with the env option.

The standard output and error are recorded and saved, both in-memory and to disk. The in-memory size is limited to a maximum (see options below). The disk recording is to /tmp by default. A new sub-folder is created each time, with files stdout and stderr containing their respective output.


The options can be set at two levels. When defining a batch process with

var batch = batch_process({

And when running a process instance, with

var proc = batch.make_process({

The same options can be used at each level. Use the process options to override the common batch options to specialize the process execution.

The options are:

  • command: Process to execute. Use an absolute path if in doubt.
  • name: Name of batch process. For your own use. Default: command
  • args: Arguments for process. Default: []
  • cwd: Current working directory for process. Default: current.
  • env: Environment variables for process. Default: null
  • report_interval: Time between periodic emits of record event. If 0, then disabled.
  • timeout: Max time allowed for process to exit. For no limit, use 0. Default: 333333.
  • capture_size: Max in-memory size of output capture. Must be > 0. Default: 22222.
  • record_folder: Folder for output capture files. Default: '/tmp/batch_process'.
  • record: Record output flag. Default: true.
  • kill_signal: Signal sent to timedout process. Default: 'SIGTERM'.
  • uid: User id for process.
  • gid: Group id for process.


Unit tests use mocha, and can be run with:

npm test


  • 0.1.0: initial release