A Node.js Framework for building workflows on Amazon SWF
This toolkit provides a collection of command-line utilities to interact with the Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF) service. They form a framework for writing and running Amazon SWF activities & deciders in Javascript.
See also
- aws-swf: Node.js Library for Amazon SWF
- aws-swf-activities: A collection of Node.js activity workers for Amazon SWF
swf-activity: Running Activity workers
pretty dumb, an activity is just a function call EXCEPT: does not have to send a response right away ! ( very long tasks ! )
- config.example.js
- package.json
- activities run method
- SOON: something for input/output variables schema ? (json-schema ?)
swf-deciders: Running the Workflow logic
IMPORTANT: fundamental difference with script: the decider is called many times through the workflow execution. It is STATELESS. Instead, we must inspect the event history of the workflow, and make our decisions (simplified using aws-swf decision task API)
- package.json
- JS description of the workflow
CLI tools to play with swf from the command line
DONE in decompose-process: add a "condition" method in step configuration
swf-decider: add 'helpers' methods to the sandbox (by activity) ex: if the activityType: 'mturk' as been executed it loads activities/mturk
Activity-Type-Configuration-Details when registering a new ActivityType ( using activityTypeOptions.json, if exists )
options for default workflow parameters (workflowOptions.json, if exists) => no need to set them in start_childworkflow
- Run the demo with the Quickstart Guide
- The Wiki contains links to all the documentation
- Write SWF deciders in javascript
- Write SWF activities in javascript
- A collection of ready-to-use activities
$ [sudo] npm install -g aws-swf-toolkit