
Starter kit for the standard edition of Simple Dot

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import awFrontStarter from '';


Generate front assets

npm version node version with love

based on blendid

Without theme (default)

Run development

  • npm start build project and watch files
  • npm run watch build project and watch files (with physical generation of JS files)

Run production

  • npm run prod build for the production environnement

With themes

If you want use themes, you need to change useTheme variable in task-config.js to true . You must create a new folder in /src and copy/paste all current folders in this new folder

Set theme

The project build with a default theme (you can change it on package in config.theme).

Run development

  • npm start build project and watch files for the current theme
  • THEME=specific npm start build project and watch files for the specific theme

Run production

  • npm run prod build all themes for the production environnement
  • THEME=specific npm prod build specific themes for the production environnement

Tasks list

You can configure the starter with Paths configuration and Tasks configuration files