
_ _ _ (_)(_) | | __ _ ___ ___ _ _ ______ __ _ _ __ | |_ / _` |/ __| / __|| || ||______| / _` || '__|| __| | (_| |\__ \| (__ | || | | (_| || | | |_ \__,_

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import asciiArtTable from '';


                   _  _                       _
                  (_)(_)                     | |
  __ _  ___   ___  _  _  ______   __ _  _ __ | |_
 / _` |/ __| / __|| || ||______| / _` || '__|| __|
| (_| |\__ \| (__ | || |        | (_| || |   | |_
 \__,_||___/ \___||_||_|         \__,_||_|    \__|


NPM version npm Travis

This module allows you to work with ansi strings in a style aware way, so you aren't constantly doing string manipulation and scanning when working with terminal strings. It offers a clean abstraction to build ascii-art utilities on top of.


npm install ascii-art-table



To do anything with it, you'll need to include the library:

    const Table = require('ascii-art-table');

Table.create(ansiString, handler)

Map through an ansi string one character at a time, without any of those characters being styles. Kind: static property of ascii-art-table

Param Type Description
options object input string to map across Array of Arrays data to display
options.columns Array of Objects column configurations
options.bars String type: single, double, block, angles


We can produce ASCII/ANSI tables in a similar manner to ascii-table, but with colors and styles!

To produce a standard box style (and it will attempt to be smart about column widths without truncating ansi codes):

            width : 80,
            data : [ /* ... */ ]
        }, function(rendered){
            // use rendered text

Table Example

If you add some additional options you get:

            width : 80,
            data : [ /* ... */ ],
            verticalBar : ' ',
            horizontalBar : ' ',
            intersection : ' ',
            columns : [
                    value : 'Product',
                    style : 'black+gray_bg'
                }, {
                    value : 'Maker',
                    style : 'white'
                }, {
                    value : 'Location',
                    style : 'white'
        }, function(rendered){
            // use rendered text

which will output:

Styled Table Example

You can also play with border colorings and built-in borders (single, double, block and angles) using the UTF box drawing characters

        width : 80,
        data : [ /* ... */ ],
        bars : 'single',
        borderColor : 'bright_white'
    }, function(rendered){
        // use rendered text

which will output:

Styled Table Example

To define this manually it would look like:

        width : 80,
        data : [ /* ... */ ],
        bars : {
            'ul_corner' : '┏',
            'ur_corner' : '┓',
            'lr_corner' : '┛',
            'll_corner' : '┗',
            'bottom_t' : '┻',
            'top_t' : '┳',
            'right_t' : '┫',
            'left_t' : '┣',
            'intersection' : '╋',
            'vertical' : '┃',
            'horizontal' : '━',
        borderColor : 'bright_white',
    }, function(rendered){
        // use rendered text

Another example:

        width : 80,
        data : [ /* ... */ ],
        bars : 'double',
        headerStyle : 'yellow',
        dataStyle : 'bright_white',
        borderColor : 'gray'
    }, function(rendered){
        // use rendered text

which will output:

Styled Table Example