
Web Components from functions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import asWebComponent from '';


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Web Components from functions

UI as a function of state pattern for Web Components.


  • Components from pure functions
  • Components from Async functions
  • Stateful components from Generator functions
  • Render DOM using any library; Preact, lit-html etc
  • Global name clash resolution
  • ESM first
  • Zero build tools required (for modern browsers)
  • Easy DOM testing using data-component attribute

Interactive Example

Basic Usage

Pure Function (lit-html)

import { html, render } from '';
import asWebComponent from '';

function Header(name) {
  return html`
      h1 {
        color: darkred;


export default asWebComponent(Header, render);

Async Function (Preact)

import { html, render } from '';
import asWebComponent from '';

async function GeolocationState() {
  const result = await navigator.permissions.query({

  return html`
    <span>Geolocation Permission: <strong>${result.state}</strong></span>

export default asWebComponent(GeolocationState, render);

Generator function (Preact)

import { html, render } from '';
import asWebComponent from '';

function* Counter() {
  let count = 0;

  const inc = () => {

  const dec = () => {

  while(this.isConnected) {
    yield html`
        :host {
          display: inline-flex;

        span {
          margin: 0 1rem;

      <button onClick=${dec}>-</button>
      <button onClick=${inc}>+</button>

export default asWebComponent(Counter, render);

Using a Component

import SomeComponent from '../SomeComponent.mjs';

// Define a name to reference in HTML

// and/or

// Use auto unique name in Template literal
import { html, render } from ''
render(html`<${SomeComponent} />`, document.body);


npm install as-web-component --save

Or, import directly in the browser

import asWebComponent from '';