
Recommended start here: artofmo-examples

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import artofmo from '';



Recommended start here: artofmo-examples


This package is very rough and in early stages - do not expect stability.

I'll be versioning it, so you can avoid breaking scripts that work by putting them in versioned folders with the correct version of node installed.

If you have questions, DM me on instagram @artofmo.

Very rough instructions (temporary and will improve soon)

Currently I'm using this package by:

  1. Creating a single html file (like main.html)
  2. Creating a javascript file for each drawing I do (like drawing1.js)
  3. Installing the package in that directory (npm install artofmo)
  4. Running a local server in the directory those files live in (Webserver for Chrome)
  5. Visiting a url like http://localhost:8887/main.html?file=drawing1

My directory ends up looking like:

  • mo-v0-0-5
    • main.html
    • drawing1.js
    • artofmo - the node package, versioned according to parent folder
    • assets - images and whatnot

You don't need to separate main.html from drawing1.js, but it makes it a lot easier to create many drawings without duplicating the boilerplate html.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="./artofmo/dist/index.js"></script>
      body {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
    <script type="module">
      let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
      let file = searchParams.get('file');

      import(`./${file}.js`).then(module => {
        var {run} = module.default;

    <div id="mo-container">

var run = () => {
  mo.colors.fetch({samples: [[58, 119, 108]], count: 5}).then(colors => {
      backgroundColor: '#000',
      containerId: 'mo-container',
      size: mo.lib.canvasSizeFor({dpi: 300, inches: {width: 11 - 6/8, height: 17 - 6/8}, retina: true}),
      overlay: false,
    }).then(({rand, render, canvasView, size}) => {
      var offset = {x: -size.width / 2, y: -size.height / 2};
      var diameter = 12;
      var rows = size.height / diameter;
      var columns = size.width / diameter;
      var radius = diameter / 2;
      var circles = {offset, rows, columns, diameter, size: {width: diameter, height: diameter}};

      _.times(circles.rows, row => {
        _.times(circles.columns, column => {
          var circle = {
            x: _.floor(offset.x + column * diameter + radius),
            y: _.floor(offset.y + row * diameter + radius),
            diameter: diameter + 0.5 - diameter / 8 - rand() * diameter / 2,
            color: _.sample(customColors || colors)

          circle.radius = circle.diameter / 2;

          if (circle.radius % 2 === 0) circle.radius -= 1;

          circle.object = new mo.FabricCanvasObject({
            origin: {x: 'center', y: 'center'},
            shape: 'circle',
            position: circle,
            radius: circle.radius,
            zIndex: 1,
            stroke: circle.color,
            fill: circle.color,
            strokeWidth: 0



export default {run};