You have probably seen this example a thousand times, you do something like 0.1 + 0.2 and you get 0.30000000000000004.
This is because some numbers can’t be accurately represented by JavaScript’s only number type
(IEEE 754 Binary Floating-Point). This obviously leads to a lot of headache for us developers. So this is an attempt to
cure that. arith
is very small (only ~1500 bytes, minified) and it only has four methods; add
, divide
, multiply
in two flavours.
can be used with Node or in the browser (exported as a global variable).
Examples using static methods
arith.add(5, 10); // => 15
arith.divide(6, 2); // => 3
arith.multiply(2, 3, 4); // => 24
arith.subtract(15, 10); // => 5
You can also pass in strings
arith.add('2', '3'); // => 5
Or even an array!
arith.add([2, 3, 4]); // => 9
Examples using instance methods
The difference here is that you can chain multiple operations together. To get the result, you need to call the
Simple addition
arith(5).add(10).value(); // => 15
Chain multiple operations together
arith(10).add(10).subtract(5).value(); // => 15
Just like the static methods, you can also pass in multiple arguments
arith(1).add(2, 3, 4).value(); // => 10
They also except strings
arith('1').add('2').value(); // => 3
Or an array
arith(1).add([2, 3, 4]).value(); // => 10
Comments / Bugs / Ideas
Comments, ideas and bug reports are much appreciated! Please enter them on the issues page. Thanks!