
AppVersion is a CLI tool whose purpose is to provide a unique manager of the version of you application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appversion from '';



AppVersion-version AppVersion-status Build Status js-standard-style

AppVersion is a CLI tool whose purpose is to provide a unique manager of the version of you application.
It follows the semver guidelines, so the version of your code is divided in Major, Minor and Patch, here you can find the Semantic Versioning specification.
In addition AppVersion keeps track of the build with the last build date, the build of the current version and the total number of build; it also keeps track of the status (stable, rc, ...) and the commit code.

AppVersion interacts with NPM, when you update the version using the AppVersion CLI tool, it updates automatically the package.json as well, and you can use the CLI commands inside your NPM scripts. See here for more info about automation.
Furthermore AppVersion works well with Git, indeed you can add a Tag with the current version of your application to the repository and you can add one badge with the version and one badge with the status of your application to the
AppVersion also provides easy to use APIs to access your version, build, status and commit from your application.

The tool creates a json file named appversion.json in the root of your project with the following structure:

  "version": {
    "major": 0,
    "minor": 0,
    "patch": 0
  "status": {
    "stage": null,
    "number": 0
  "build": {
    "date": null,
    "number": 0,
    "total": 0
  "commit": null,
  "config": {
    "appversion": "x.y.z",
    "markdown": [],
    "json": [],
    "ignore": []

As you can see, the version is divided in major, minor and patch, the build is divided in date, number and total, in addition, there's the status, who is divided in stage field, who can assume stable|rc|beta|alpha (the first letter can be Uppercase) value and number.

Then, there's the config filed, divided in appversion, that is used by AppVersion for check if the json is at the latest version, markdown field where you can put all the markdown files that you want to keep updated (see here for more information).
The last two fields inside config are, json, that is the list of the json files who appversion must update when you change the version number, and ignore, that is the list of the folders that AppVersion must ignore.

Needs Node.js >= 4.0.0


Install the tool globally:

npm install appversion -g

If you want to access the appversion.json inside your application, install the module also locally:

npm install appversion --save



$ apv <cmd> <args>

Commands list:

cmd args description
update major\breaking Updates major number.
minor\feature Updates minor number.
patch\fix Updates patch number.
build Updates build number.
commit Updates commit code.
set-version x.y.z Sets a specific version number.
set-status stable Set the status to stable.
rc Set the status to rc.
beta Set the status to beta.
alpha Set the status to alpha.
generate-badge version Generates the .md code of a shield badge with the version of your application.
status Generates the .md code of a shield badge with the status of your application.
add-git-tag Adds a tag with the version number to the git repo.
init Generates the appversion.json file.

When using the update command, use major|minor|patch or breaking|feature|fix is the same, is a question of making more expressive the command and what are you doing.

Some usage examples:

$ apv update minor
$ apv set-version 1.3.2
$ apv set-status rc.2

If you want to add a Git tag to your repo with the version number of your code, you have two options:

  1. Add the --tag flag after update and set-version commands
$ apv update minor --tag
$ apv set-version 1.3.2 --tag
  1. Use add-git-tag
$ apv add-git-tag  

By default, AppVersion updates the "version" field in package.json; if you want to update the "version" field in more json files, just add the file name inside appversion.json in the json array field.

AppVersion looks recursively inside all the subfolders of your project for json files, by default it ignores node_modules, bower_components and .git folders; if you want to ignore more folders just add the folder name inside appversion.json in the ignore array field.
If you want that AppVersion ignores all the subfolders in your project, just put "*" inside the ignore array.

AppVersion can provide you a wonderful shield badge with the version of your application that you can put in you .md file, like what you see at the top of this file.
Generate the badge is very easy, just type apv generate-badge version for the version badge and apv generate-badge status for the status badge and copy the output inside your .md file, then add the name of the md file (with the extension) inside the markdown array field in appversion.json, from now AppVersion will keep updated the badges every time you update your application.
Badge examples:
AppVersion-version AppVersion-status
This feature make use of the amazing service

In app:

getAppVersion() async
getAppVersionSync() sync
composePattern() async
composePatternSync() sync


Returns the content of appversion.json as a object.
This is the asyncronous version, so you must pass a callback to the function.


Returns the content of appversion.json as a object.
This is the syncronous version, so you don't need to pass a callback to the function.

composePattern(pattern, callback)

Return a string with the version following the pattern you passed as a input.

Pattern description
M \ B version.major
m \ F version.minor
p \ f version.patch
S status.stage
s status.number
n build.number
c commit
. separator
- separator

The pattern must be a string, for example a pattern could be 'M.m.p-Ss n-d'.
This is the asyncronous version, so you must pass a callback to the function.


Return a string with the version following the pattern you passed as a input.
The pattern string follow the same rules as above.
This is the syncronous version, so you don't need to pass a callback to the function.

Sometimes you want to have the version/build number accessible in your application, for this, you can use the module with a standard import:

// es5:
var apv = require('appversion')


apv.getAppVersion(function (err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err)

console.log(apv.composePatternSync('M.m.p-Ss n-d'))

apv.composePattern('M.m.p-Ss n-d', function(ptt) {

// es6 - es2015:
import { getAppVersion, getAppVersionSync, composePattern, composePatternSync } from 'appversion'


getAppVersion((err, data) => {
  if (err) console.log(err)

console.log(composePatternSync('M.m.p-Ss n-d'))

composePattern('M.m.p-Ss n-d', (ptt) => {


If you are using npm scripts you can easily integrate AppVersion in your workflow, below you can find an example of a package.json:

"scripts": {
  "build": "<build command> && apv update build"

If you are using Grunt or Gulp for automating your project, you can easily use AppVersion inside you grunt/gulp file. Just require appversion/automation and call the update|setVersion|setStatus methods with the correct parameter.
Below you can find an example:

const apv = require('appversion/automation')


  • Update status number
  • Badge generator with the application version for the
  • Move json, markdown, ignore and appversion inside config field
  • Implement "New version" message
  • Split the code in multiple files divided by function.
  • Integration with GitHub
  • When init is called, apv must create appversion.json with the same version number of package.json.
  • Integration with Grunt/Gulp
  • Add aliases: patch>fix, minor>feature major>breaking
  • Rewrite appendBadgeToMD with streams
  • SHA generator


$ npm install
$ chmod u+x apv.js
$ npm test

$ ./apv.js <cmd> <args>


If you feel you can help in any way, be it with examples, extra testing, or new features please open a pull request or open an issue.

The code follows the Standard code style.



The code is released under the MIT license.

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.