
PostgreSQL-backed Node.js task queue

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apoq from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apoq';



A PostgreSQL Queue for processing background tasks, with a focus on simplicity and reliability.


const { Apoq } = require("apoq")

const MESSAGES = ["๐Ÿ’–", "๐Ÿงก", "๐Ÿ’›", "๐Ÿ’š", "๐Ÿ’™"]
const randomColor = () => MESSAGES[Math.floor(Math.random() * MESSAGES.length)]

const main = async () => {
  const apoq = new Apoq(process.env.DATABASE_URL)

  // Prepare the database tables to record tasks
  await apoq.prepare()

  // Add some example "sendMessage" tasks
  for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    await apoq.add("sendMessage", { color: randomColor() })

  // Give apoq a function which processes "sendMessage" tasks
  apoq.use("sendMessage", async ({ data }) => {
    console.log(`๐Ÿ“ง sending a ${data.color}`)

  // Listen for task completed events
  apoq.events.on("task.completed", (task) => {
    console.log(`โœจ task ${task.id} complete`)

  // Start processing tasks!
  await apoq.start()



Configuration and setup

Initialize an instance of apoq with a connection string or an object of options that the pg library accepts, for example:

const { Apoq } = require("apoq")

const apoq = new Apoq(process.env.DATABASE_URL)


const { Apoq } = require("apoq")

const apoq = new Apoq({
  user: 'postgres',
  host: 'localhost',
  database: 'app',
  password: 'shhh!',
  port: 5432,

Migrating the database

The library manages 2 tables (apoq_tasks and apoq_migrations), and the prepare() function takes care of running any pending migrations against an apoq instance. You need to run this before using the library; for convenience, you might choose to run it automatically during deployments on when your app starts.

const { Apoq } = require("apoq")

const apoq = new Apoq(process.env.DATABASE_URL)
await apoq.prepare()

Instance functions


add(type: string, data: object)

Add a task to the queue. The type is used by workers to determine what to do when processing this task, so you'll probably want to use it to either label the work to be done (e.g. sendWelcomeEmail) or as an event name (e.g. user.created).

The data object can hold any additional information for the task processor, e.g. { userId: 123 }. It'll be stored in a JSONB column.

apoq.add("logMessage", { foo: "bar!" })


use(type: string, processor: function)

use(type: string, processor: function, options: { retryDelay: function, retryLimit: number })

Configures a processor function this worker should use for a specific type of task. The worker will call the processor function for each task we add with the same type.

const processor = (args) => {
  console.log(`Message: ${args.data.foo}`)

apoq.use("logMessage", processor)

You can also provide retry options to indicate how the worker should deal with tasks the fail. By default task processors have a retryLimit of 5, so they will retry a task up to 5 times (for a total of 6 attempts) if it fails. retryDelay is a function which takes the current number of failures and determines how many seconds to wait before the next attempt. The default retryDelay function exponentially backs off with jitter.

Here's an example of a simple custom retry delay which will retry 2 seconds after the first failure, 4 seconds after the second failure, 6 seconds after the third failure, then give up because of the limit:

const processor = async (args) => {
  await fetch("https://flaky.example")

const retryDelay = (failCount) => {
  return failCount * 2

apog.use("pingFlakyApi", processor, { retryLimit: 3, retryDelay })


await apoq.start()

Starts a worker, which will check for all task types configured with use and run their functions for you.


await apoq.work()

Transactionally works the next configured task in the queue. This will run a single task then resolve, marking the task as completed or failed. If there are no tasks, it'll resolve.

Most of the time you'll want to use start instead, as start continues to run (or wait for) tasks until the worker is stopped while work only runs a single task.


await apoq.stop()

Stops a worker started with start. Any tasks that are already actively being processed by the worker will continue until they complete or fail, but no more tasks will be started.


You can subscribe to events for an apoq instance.


This event is emitted after a task has been completed and the task's transaction has committed. It receives the completed task as an argument.

apoq.events.on("task.completed", (task) => {
  console.log(`โœจ task ${task.id} complete`)


This event is emitted when a task fails, eg. the task processor function threw an error. It receives the failed task and the error as arguments.

The task will be in the failed state, and will not be retried automatically.

apoq.events.on("task.failed", (task, error) => {
  console.log(`๐Ÿ’ฅ task ${task.id} failed...`)