single line API to get an accses token from API_M
- node.js
- wso2-APIM 2.7 , 3.0 , 3.1
You can install apimtoken
either through npm
or by cloning the code from this GitHub repo. This README covers the installation steps with npm
- Run the following command in the terminal
$ npm install -g apimtoken
Runnig the Cli-Tool
Make sure Wso2 API manager is up and running
Then run the following command to retrive an accsess token
If you are using a version below 3.1 please metion the version under flag ex- -a=2.7
Run apimtoken -h
for help
$ apimtoken -s={ scopes } -n={ username } -p={ password } -u={ URL } -a={ apim Version }
$ apimtoken -s=apim:apim_create -n=admin -p=admin -u= -a=3.1
Development Guide
Clone or download the repository
Run npm install to install all the required dependencies
Credits - oclif framework