
client for telegram bots api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiTelegramBot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/api-telegram-bot';


I'm not maintaining this package anymore

Telegram Bot API for Node.js

Node.js module for Telegram Bot API.

Talk with @botfather on Telegram to create your bot.

This module is updated with Telegram API version 4.2. Except with Telegram Passport.

API reference

Click Here

Older Versions


There's a examples directory on GitHub. Take a look ;)

Before run any example code, please install deps with npm i and run npm run build to transpile TS code to JS in dist folder.


  • Removed experimental feature SmartMenu
  • Implemented menus builded with js generators
  • Changes Polling
    • Moved .startPolling() from Bot instance to Polling


npm install api-telegram-bot

Start coding

const { Bot, Polling } = require('api-telegram-bot');
// or using commonjs imports
// const { Bot } = require("api-telegram-bot");

const TOKEN = "BOT_TOKEN";
const bot = new Bot(TOKEN);
// polling constructor accepts some options as second parameter, see docs
const polling = new Polling(bot);

// subscribe to all message types (texts, photos, videos, and others)
bot.messages().subscribe(data => {
  // data is a object with 2 props:
  //   data.update - is the update received,
  //   data.actions - actions object with some helper functions
  // log to see what it is:

// subscribe only to text messages
  // my opinion: use object destructuring allows a more beautiful code
  ({ update, actions }) => {

     * actions is an object with some functions to manipulate received message:
     *    banChatMember: (until: number) => Promise
     *    deleteMessage: () => Promise
     *    reply: (text: string, optionals?) => Promise
     * note: deleteMessage and banChatMember doesn't works on private chats

    setTimeout(() => {
      bot.polling.stopPolling() // stopPolling() returns a promise fulfilled when polling ends (v5.2 or newer) (see docs for details)
        .then(() => console.log('polling stopped'));
    }, 30000)

// NOTE: message actions are provided only for message updates (text, photo, ...)
bot.messages('edited_messages').subscribe(data => {
  // no actions here

Enable debug log

Start your application with DEBUG env variable containing 'api-telegram-bot' value. Reference to debug package

$ DEBUG=api-telegram-bot npm start

To see debug logs from webhook or polling:

$ DEBUG=api-telegram-bot:polling npm start
$ DEBUG=api-telegram-bot:webhook npm start

Reply Markup Builders

Reply Keyboard Markup

const { KeyboardBuilder } = require('api-telegram-bot');

const TOKEN = 'BOT_TOKEN';
const bot = new Bot(TOKEN);

const { keyboard } = KeyboardBuilder()
  .button({ text: "Yes" })
  .button({ text: "No" })

bot.sendMessage(CONTACT_ID, "Confirm?", { reply_markup: { keyboard, resize_keyboard: true } });

Reply Keyboard Builder Result

Inline Keyboard

const { KeyboardBuilder, Bot } = require('api-telegram-bot');

const TOKEN = 'BOT_TOKEN';

const bot = new Bot(TOKEN);

const inline_keyboard = KeyboardBuilder()
    .button({ text: "Yes", callback_data: "YES" })
    .button({ text: "No", callback_data: "NO" })
    .button({ text: "Cancel", callback_data: "CANCEL" })

bot.sendMessage(CONTACT_ID, "Confirm?", { reply_markup: { inline_keyboard } });

See the message sent by code above:

Inline Keyboard Builder Result