Provides the capability to perform Imperative and Popstate navigation operations in Angular through the ease of typescript decorators, without the need to import the Angular Router object
Table of Contents
- Aop-Routing
- Installation
- Usage
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
List of features include
- Imperative navigation using decorators
- PopState navigation using decorators
- Custom navigation logic to override default navigation logic
- Dynamically add new path to routing table at runtime
- Dynamically change the component of a path at runtime
- Dynamically add/remove CanActivate guards at runtime
- Note: This library requires Angular version 8.1 or higher
Aop-Routing runs on NodeJs and is available as an NPM package
npm install aop-routing
- Add AopRoutingModule to the top level/root module import array.
imports: [
- Inject AopNavigationService into your top level/root module constructor.
export class AppModule {
constructor(private aopNavigationService: AopNavigationService) {}
Aop-Routing has a lot of features pertaining to navigation in an Angular app.
Decorator Navigation
The RouteNext decorator can be passed an optional string, and it will automatically perform an imperative routing to the next page at the end of the targeted method's execution. The below example will automatically route to page1 at the end of the testMethod execution.
public testMethod(): void {
...some logic...
Should the need be required to pass a dynamic value to RouteNext, this can be done by allowing the targeted function to return a string or an AopNavigator Object.
- Below example will use the returned string value of the testMethod to route to the page
public testMethod(): string {
...some logic...
return 'page1'
- Below example will use the returned AopNavigator object of the test method to perform routing.
public testMethod(): Observable<AopNavigator> {
...some logic...
const obj: AopNavigator = {
destinationPage: 'Test2',
return obj;
- To prevent the aop-routing from performing a navigation return the enum AopRoute.SKIP_ROUTE
public testMethod(): Observable<AopNavigator> {
...some logic...
return AopRoute.SKIP_ROUTE;
The RouteNextAsync decorator can be used on a function which performs rxjs aysnchronous operations. The function should return an observable. The RouteNextAsync will subscribe to the passed observable and automatically perform imperative navigation.
The method should return an Observable
- Below example will make the decorator subscribe to the Observable
value returned from the targeted method and use that value to perform imperative routing.
public testMethod(): Observable<string> {
...some logic...
return of(1, 2, 3).pipe(
switchMap(x => {
return of('page1');
- Below example will make the decorator subscribe to the AopNavigator object returned from the targeted method and use the destinationPage property value to perform imperative routing.
public testMethod(): Observable<AopNavigator> {
...some logic...
const obj: AopNavigator = {
destinationPage: 'Test2',
return of(1, 2, 3).pipe(
switchMap(x => {
return of(obj);
NavigationExtras for RouteNext and RouteNextAsync
An Angular NavigationExtras object can be passed to RouteNext and RouteNextAsync to allow extra options to modify the Router navigation strategy.
The below example will route to page1 and set the Router skipLocationChange to true
@RouteNext('page1', {skipLocationChange: true})
public testMethod(): void {
...some logic...
RouteBack decorator when used on a targeted method, will automatically perform popstate navigation back to the previous page after the end of the targeted method execution.
public testMethod() {
...some logic...
The RouteBackAsync decorator can be used on a function which performs rxjs aysnchronous operations. The function should return an observable. The RouteBackAsync will subscribe to the passed observable and automatically perform popstate navigation to the previous page.
Below example will popstate navigate back to previous page after the asynchronous operation inside the method is complete.
public testMethod() {
return of(...some async operations).pipe(
...rxjs operators...)
RouteToState decorator when used on a targeted method, will automatically perform popste navigation to the destination page in the history state. If a negative number is provided, RouteToState will popstate naivage backwards equivalent to the passed integer, likewise it will popstate navigate forwards for a positive integer.
- Below example will traverse 2 states backwards of the browser history state
public testMethod() {
...some logic...
- Below example will traverse 2 states forward of the browser history state
public testMethod() {
...some logic...
The RouteToStateAsync decorator can be used on a function which performs rxjs aysnchronous operations. The function should return an observable. The RouteToStateAsync will subscribe to the passed observable and automatically perform popstate navigation traversion of the history state.
- Below example will subscribe to the targeted method and use the returned value to traverse -2 states backwards of the browser history state after end of targeted method.
public testMethod(): Observable<number> {
...some logic...
return of(1, 2, 3).pipe(
switchMap(x => {
return of(-2);
- Below example will make the decorator subscribe to the AopNavigator object returned from the targeted method and use the destinationPage property value to perform popstate navigation traversal of the browser history state.
public testMethod(): Observable<AopNavigator> {
...some logic...
const obj: AopNavigator = {
destinationPage: -2',
return of(1, 2, 3).pipe(
switchMap(x => {
return of(obj);
AopNavigator Interface capabilities
AopNavigator interface contains the following properties that can be used to enhance the decorator functionalities.
destinationPage - This property can be passed a string or numeric value that can be used for the RouteNext, RouteNextAsync, RouteToState and RouteToStateAsync decorators to perform navigation.
navigationExtra - This property takes an Angular NavigationExtras object to allow extra options to modify the Router navigation strategy for RouteNext and RouteNextAsync decorator.
preprocess - This property takes a reference function. This function will be executed prior to any navigations performed by the decorators.
param - This property will take a value of any type that can be used as parameter(s) for the passed function in the preprocess property.
Custom user defined navigation logic
Custom logic can be passed to the AopRouting library to override the default navigation logic of the decorators.
- Create a class that extends the AopBaseNavigation abstract class.
export class SampleClass extends AopBaseNavigation {}
- Implement the required abstract methods of the AopBaseNavigation abstract class.
- goToNextPage()
- goToPreviousPage()
- goToState()
export class SampleClass extends AopBaseNavigation {
public goToNextPage(...) {
...custom logic...
public goToPreviousPage(...) {
...custom logic...
public goToState(...) {
...custom logic...
- In the top level/root module add the AopProxyNavigationService to the providers array and set the useClass to the newly created class
imports: [
providers: [{provide: AopProxyNavigationService, useClass: SampleClass}],
- The above steps will override the default decorator navigation logic, which means the decorators will now use the custom methods of the newly created class SampleClass
Experiemental Features
AopRouting can dynamically modify the routing table during runtime of an Angular application.
- Note the below features are experimental and should be used with caution
To enable the experimental features of the AopRouting library, pass an object with experimentalNav property set to true to the AopRoutingModule forRoot method to the top level/root module:
imports: [
AopRoutingModule.forRoot({expirementNav: true})
The below Routing table will be used to demonstrate the features and examples:
const routes: Routes = [
{path: 'page1', component: Page1Component},
{path: 'page2', component: Page2Component }
Adding new Path to the Routing Table at runtime.
A new Path can be dynamically created and to the Routing table and also navigated to at runtime . Suppose we want to add page3 that should route to Page3Component
- Create a routeTransform object and set the path and *component property:
const routeTransform: RouteTransform = {
path: 'page3',
component: Page3Component
- In the RouteNext or RouteNextAsync deocrator of the targeted function, return an AopNav object with the routeTransform property set.
public testMethod() {
const routeTransform: RouteTransform = {
path: 'page3',
component: Page3Component
return {routeTransform}
Changing component of a Path at runtime
A component that has been statically set to a path can be changed and navigated to at runtime. Suppose we want to change page1 to route to Page3Component instead:
- Create a routeTransform object and set the path and component property:
const routeTransform: RouteTransform = {
path: 'page1',
component: Page3Component
- In the RouteNext or RouteNextAsync deocrator of the targeted function, return an AopNav object with the routeTransform property set:
public testMethod() {
const routeTransform: RouteTransform = {
path: 'page1',
component: Page3Component
return {routeTransform}
Add CanActivate guard(s) at runtime
CanActivate guards can be added to a path at runtime. Suppose we want to add a guard page1 path
- Create a routeTransform object and set the path1 and canActivateGuards property by providing the name(s) of CanActivate guard(s) to be added:
const routeTransform: RouteTransform = {
path: 'page1',
canActivateGuards: [guard1, guard2]
- In the RouteNext or RouteNextAsync deocrator of the targeted function, return an AopNav object with the routeTransform property set:
public testMethod() {
const routeTransform: RouteTransform = {
path: 'page1',
canActivateGuards: [guard1, guard2]
return {routeTransform}
Removing guard(s) from a path
To remove CanActivate guards from a path at runtime, it's the same steps as adding guards. If the guards provided exist in the routing table, they will be removed.
Removing all CanActivate guards associated to a path.
To remove all CanActivate guards associated to a path is the same steps as adding a guard. Instead the canActivateGuards property should be set to an empty array.
public testMethod() {
const routeTransform: RouteTransform = {
path: 'page1',
canActivateGuards: []
return {routeTransform}
Unit Tests
To succesfully write unit tests on methods that are decorated with AopRouting decorators create an instance AopNavigationService in your beforeEach() with a passed in Partial
describe('TestComponent', () => {
mockAopNavigationService: AopNavigationService,
const router: Partial<Router> = {
navigate: function() {
return {} as any;
const location: Partial<Location> = {};
beforeEach(() => {
mockAopNavigationService = new AopNavigationService(router as Router, location as Location);
- Changes made to the Routing table are not persistent. They are reverted back upon completion of navigation