
Console like JSON Viewer template.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webCompJsonViewer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@web-comp/json-viewer';


JSON Viewer

Collapsible JSON viewer in tree format with console like UI.


npm install @web-comp/core
npm install @web-comp/json-viewer

json viewer depends on @web-comp/core to work.


import '@web-comp/core';
import '@web-comp/json-viewer';


<div> // container div
    <wc-json-viewer id="myjson"></wc-json-viewer>

JS -

const element = document.getElementById("myjson");
const jsonData = {name: 'sudobird', ........};      // json array or object
element.setConfig({data: jsonData});


const jsonData = {
    name: "sudobird",
    age: 99,
    cities: ['abc', 'def', 'ghi'],
    gender: 'M',
    car: null,
    pan: 'BBGHGJ8485',
    isActive: false,
    jobs: [
        {title: 'Software Engineer', city: 'abc'},
        {title: 'Consultant', city: 'def'},

Usage with Angular:

  • npm install @web-comp/core @web-comp/json-viewer
  • set schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] in the module.
  • import core module and json-viewer module.
import '@web-comp/core';
import '@web-comp/json-viewer';
 <wc-json-viewer #jsonview></wc-json-viewer>
@ViewChild('jsonview') jsonview;
const jsonData = {....} // your json
this.jsonview.nativeElement.setConfig({data: jsonData});

Usage with React:

Install and import modules (core and json viewer)

import '@web-comp/core';
import '@web-comp/json-viewer';

<wc-json-viewer ref="jsonRef"></wc-json-viewer>

// in JS
componentDidMount() {
    this.jsonRef.current.setConfig({data: <jsonObj>});