
Time tracker for gitlab: https://vslutov.github.io/time-tracker/

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vslutovTimeTracker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vslutov/time-tracker';


Time tracker

Time tracker for gitlab: https://vslutov.github.io/time-tracker/

App automates gitlab time tracking. You need add the tasks, which you are doing by the day. Program calculate the time.

Build Status npm version Greenkeeper badge JavaScript Style Guide Commitizen friendly

How to

  1. Start program at begin of workday.
  2. Add a completed tasks.
  3. Click a complete workday at finish of a day.
  4. Tracker will calculate spent time and send to gitlab.


  • If you close the web-page, the information will be saved.
  • Works without an internet.
  • Can be installed on a phone desktop or a pinned tab.