Finds intersections between semantic version ranges.
Started out as a fork of the original semver-set, triggered by the lack of bug fixes in that project, but is now been rewritten from scratch to fix issue with missing license in original project.
semverIntersect(firstRange, secondRange, [{ loose: false }])
Supports the semver loose
option in an optional third argument.
import { semverIntersect } from '@voxpelli/semver-set';
// ^2.2.0
semverIntersect('^1.1 || ^2.2 || >=5', '^2.2.0-alpha1');
// undefined
semverIntersect('~2.2.4', '~2.3.0');
intersect(...ranges) (deprecated)
The original semver-set intersect()
method is supported to ensure backwards compatibility
import { intersect } from '@voxpelli/semver-set';
// ^2.2.0
intersect('^1.1 || ^2.2 || >=5', '^2.2.0-alpha1');
// null
intersect('~2.2.4', '~2.3.0');