
Add sourceroot to sourcemap

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vookvickKarmaSourceroot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vookvick/karma-sourceroot';



Copy file directory to sourceroot of typescript files


Running typescript project unit test in karma, using karma-sourcemap-loader to be able to see ts file stack trace only print out the ts file name. I need the full file path to be easy to directly ctrl+click link in Visual Studio Code

Sample result stack trace

Chrome 64.0.3282 (Windows 7.0.0) PrintController print failed
        Expected '1,000,000.00' to be '1,000,000.001'.
            at _expectTable (D:/xxx/app/scripts/controllers/print_unittests.js:615:115 <- D:/xxx/app/scripts/controllers/print_unittests.ts:675:114)
            at Object.<anonymous> (D:/xxx/app/scripts/controllers/print_unittests.js:137:9 <- D:/xxx/app/scripts/controllers/print_unittests.ts:161:8)


in karma configuration file

preprocessors: {
  'app/**/*.js': ['sourcemap','create-sourceroot'],
plugins: [