
Tools to simplify using WSL2 for web dev.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vkrepkiyWsl2Utils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vkrepkiy/wsl2-utils';



Build Status

WSL2-utils is a package initially made for a personal usage to improve web dev experience under WSL2.

Example: npx @vkrepkiy/wsl2-utils port-forward 9000


Bind ports, set firewall rules. The following port syntax is available:


This example will rewire 8080 to 9000, forward 6000 to 6000 and all ports in range [from 9005 to 9010] to [from 9005 to 9010].

port-forward 6000 8080:9000 9005-9010


  • Reset all port forwarding (it simply calls netsh.exe interface portproxy reset).
  • Clean all firewall rules created by this utility.