
Vidal Sesame for Angular ===

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vidalCommunityNg2Sesame from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vidal-community/ng2-sesame';


Vidal Sesame for Angular

alt travis

Use It

Install this library :

npm install @vidal-community/ng2-sesame

Angular compatibility

You have to use the ng2-sesame version that is compatible with your version of Angular.

You need @angular dependencies to use this library.

Here is the compatibility matrix:

ng2-sesame Angular
^1 <=4
^2 >=6
^3 >=8.2.0
^4 >=10.1.0

See compatible versions on npm semver calculator.

Build It

npm install

How to build and publish

To publish a pre-release, run:

npm run prepare-prerelease
npm run build-and-publish

To publish a release, run:

npm run prepare-release
npm run build-and-publish

It will increase version with chosen strategy, then build and package your local workspace, and finally publish it on npm.