
TypeScript ORM

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import viatsyshynTsOrm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@viatsyshyn/ts-orm';




  • tableName: string - Table name
  • uniqueIndexes?[] - Array of uniqueIndexes meta
    • name: string - Index name
    • fields: string[] - Array of field related to index
    • default?: boolean - Determines used that index as a default in query like upsert
    • where?: WhereBuilder - Where condition that used in upsert query (This is specific for postgres db)



  • name?: string - Field name. Use model property name by default.
  • primaryKey?: true - Is field primary key or not (false by default).
  • readonly?: true - Is field readonly (false by default).
  • autoIncrement?: true - Is field auto increment (false by default).
  • default?: T | DbDefault - Field has default value. Specify value or indicate db column has default with DbDefault
  • sensitive?: true - Fields contains sensitive data and will be masked with undefined (false by default)
  • kind?: IDbField | uuid | json | string | symbol - Field parser/serializer options



  • table: string | TableClass - Name of related table.
  • keyField: string - Field from table that is matched with this table's primary key.
  • valueField: string - Related table's field that is used as a source of values.



export class UserModel {

    autoIncrement: true,
    primaryKey: true,
    name: "id"
  id: number;

    kind: 'uuid',
  uid: string;

  userName: string;

    sensetive: true,
  password: string;

  email?: string | null;

  type?: UserType;

    name: 'creationdate',
    readonly: true,
  creationDate?: Date;

    name: 'lastmodified',
    readonly: true,
  lastModified?: Date;

    table: 'user_bus',
    keyField: 'userId',
    valueField: 'busId',
  busIds?: number[];

Setup your container and bindings with @viatsyshyn/ts-orm-pg

  .toConstantValue(new pg.Pool({})); // TODO: provide db config


  .toDynamicValue(({container}: interfaces.Context) => {
    return new PgDriver(container.get<pg.Pool>(Symbol.for('PgPool')));

  .toConstantValue(new DbReader<UserModel>(UserModel));