
[![GitHub version](https://badge.fury.io/gh/verzth%2Fngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/gh/verzth%2Fngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/%40verzth%2Fngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker.svg)](https://b

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verzthNgxBootstrapHouratdayPicker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@verzth/ngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker';



GitHub version npm version

Angular 7 Library for Hour at Day Picker.

How to Install

npm install @verzth/ngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker


yarn add @verzth/ngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker


  1. @angular/common.
  2. @angular/core.
  3. JQuery.
  4. Bootstrap 4.
  5. @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap

How to Use

  1. Add NgxBootstrapHouratdayPickerModule in your app module imports.

     imports: [
    export class YourModule {}
  2. Use component ngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker to implement the module.

  3. Provide callback for action when day clicked, just put the function in event binding onDayClick, don't forget to add $event on first parameter.

  4. Provide callback for action when hour clicked, just put the function in event binding onHourClick, don't forget to add $event on first parameter.

  5. Provide data list of NgxBootstrapHouratday as its interface in [NgxBootstrapHouratday] property binding.


<ngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker [(NgxBootstrapHouratday)]="data" (onDayClick)="onDayClick($event)" (onHourClick)="onHourClick($event)"></ngx-bootstrap-houratday-picker>


  • NgxBootstrapHouratday

    interface NgxBootstrapHouratday {
      _day: number;
      _start: number;
      _end: number;
  • NgxBootstrapHouratdayPicker

    interface NgxBootstrapHouratdayPicker {
      name: string;
      value: number;
      selected: boolean;
      hours: any;

Sample Output

    0 : {
        _day: 0,
        _start: 0,
        _end: 19
    1 : {
        _day: 1,
        _start: 12,
        _end: 15
    2 : {
        _day: 1,
        _start: 18,
        _end: 21