
TDD cata for roman-numbers, and it's working, at least from 0 til 4999

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vcostinRomanNumbers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@vcostin/roman-numbers';


Roman Numbers Converter

Build Status

TDD cata for roman-numbers, and it's working, at least from 0 til 4999, btw I found out that zero is "nulla" in latin


var romanNumber = require('@vcostin/roman-numbers');


I guess I can make this functionality with a callback, but not sure if it's needed


mocha --require blanket -R html-cov > coverage.html

you can look, I don't want to add report to git


I know that are a lot of implementations of this algorithm, this is my TDD Kata, You can use if you like it, but this is just an workout, of course it's well tested ;)