Awesome valle-card - Web Component using Polymer 3
How to install and use:
1 - Install the element using Yarn:
$ yarn add @valle/valle-card
2 - Import the element:
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@valle/valle-card/valle-card.js"></script>
or in your javascript file
import "@valle/valle-card/valle-card.js";
3 - Start using it!
The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:
Custom property | Default | Description |
--valle-card-bg-color | #fff |
Valle card background color |
--valle-card-width | 400px |
Valle card max-width |
--valle-card-padding | 16px |
Valle card padding |
--valle-card-margin | 16px |
Valle card margin (used to calculate the valle card width) |
Browser Support
Using the webcomponents.js:
Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | 11+ | Latest ✔ |
1 - Verify if you have node and yarn installed.
2 - Install Polymer-CLI:
$ [sudo] yarn global add polymer-cli
3 - Install local dependencies:
$ yarn
4 - Start the development server:
$ yarn start
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