This library is a set of utilities created in javascript to solve some of the common problems. These are some of the functions I write over my own projects and put them here to be reused in different scenarios and projects
IMPORTANTE NOTE! This library is very much in the process of being developed, it can be changed completely to something different. For now it is only used to share common functions in my own projects. Suggestions are welcome.
Just install the dependency and start using
npm i @vacom/vantage or yarn add @vacom/vantage
How to import
After installing the dependency, just import the utility you need
import { guid } from "@vacom/vantage";
Utilities and Functions
Number Utilities
This function returns a random number based on the minimum and a maximum number
import { random } from "@vacom/vantage";
//default usage 0 - 10
random(); //output = 7
//usage min: 10 max: 100
random(min, max); //output = 85
A string with random numbers is generated, this function can be useful for building dynamic ids
import { guid } from "@vacom/vantage";
guid(); //output = cb727975d2314f15
String Utilities
This function can be used to remove all accents. It can be useful for sensitive fields where only plain text is allowed.
import { removeAccents } from "@vacom/vantage";
//usage string = "Flávio"
removeAccents(string); //output = Flavio
Useful function to validate the username field, in case this does the wrong way. It is useful for removing accents, spaces and uppercase letters.
import { formatUsername } from "@vacom/vantage";
//usage string = "Flávio AJ Wéb"
formatUsername(string); //output = flavioajweb
Useful for validating expression, makes special characters not break the application. It can be useful for search fields or others.
import { handleExpression } from "@vacom/vantage";
//usage example search field
let search = new RegExp(handleExpression(searchQuery));
Useful for placing the first letter in uppercase. It can be used in welcome situations to the user or texts.
import { capitalizeFirstLetter } from "@vacom/vantage";
//usage string = "flavio"
capitalizeFirstLetter(string); //output = Flavio
Often the user does not correctly enter their email, this function validates this field. If the email is correct it returns true.
import { validateEmail } from "@vacom/vantage";
//usage string = ""
validateEmail(string); //output = true
//usage string = "john@"
validateEmail(string); //output = false
//usage string = "john@mail"
validateEmail(string); //output = false
Sometimes it is necessary to validate what type of email provider the user is registering, there are situations where these providers are temporary. This function allows you to create a bad list of mail providers where the email that is entered by the user is validated
import { emailBlackList } from "@vacom/vantage";
//default usage email = ""
emailBlackList(email); //output = true
//default usage
//email = ""
//list = ["demo", "mailinator", "maildrop"]
emailBlackList(email, list); //output = false
This function convert an array of data into the correct csv format
import { convertArrayOfObjectsToCSV } from "@vacom/vantage";
//usage content = [{name: "John", email: ""}]
data: content
This function uses the previous function to convert an array of data in the correct format of csv and then automatically downloads the file with the correct information to the user's machine
import { downloadCSV } from "@vacom/vantage";
// this function uses convertArrayOfObjectsToCSV behind
// args = { filename: "name.csv" }
// data = [{name: "John", email: ""}]
downloadCSV(args, data);
//output return and downloads the file
Browser Utilities
This function refreshes the page, is useful for large changes, or when user logout
import { refreshPage } from "@vacom/vantage";
refreshPage(); //output = page refresh
This function captures the width of the page, useful for placing dynamic sizes
import { dynamicWidth } from "@vacom/vantage";
dynamicWidth(); //output = 960
import { getUrlParam } from "@vacom/vantage";
This function through an url collects the data of a certain parameter
//usage string = "flavio"
getUrlParam("q", "");
//output = cards