
An Optic fixture for documenting Sails JS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import useopticDocumentSails from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@useoptic/document-sails';


Using Optic with Sails

Optic's documenting middleware for Sails.


Install the node module from npm:

npm install @useoptic/document-sails

Add the Optic documenting middleware to config/http.js. The middleware will be skipped by default and will never run in production. It only runs when your tests were started by optic api:document. Every HTTP request your run to test your API will be used by Optic to infer the current API contract.

module.exports.http = {

  middleware: {
    order: [
      'documentSails', //Optic always goes just before router
    documentSails: require('@useoptic/document-sails') //import middleware from package