
Transforms JavaScript files containing React components automatically to enable React Fast Refresh via Snowpack's HMR API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snowpackPluginReactRefresh from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@snowpack/plugin-react-refresh';



Transforms JavaScript files containing React components automatically to enable React Fast Refresh via Snowpack's HMR API.

npm install --save-dev @snowpack/plugin-react-refresh


// snowpack.config.json
  "plugins": ["@snowpack/plugin-react-refresh", {/* options: see below */}]

Plugin Options

Name Type Description
babel boolean or object By default, this plugin uses Babel to add Fast-Refresh code to eligible JS files. If you want to configure & run this yourself, set "babel": false". Alternatively, you can pass a custom Babel configuration object to enhance or override the defaults. Most users won't need this.

How it Works

This plugin will automatically inject HMR event handlers into any file containing a React component.

In most applications, you'll still want some top-level import.meta.hot handling code in your application for any non-React file updates. In our Create Snowpack App templates, this would be the HMR handling snippet found in src/index.js.