
Cherry Bomb latin typeface

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import openfontsCherryBombLatin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@openfonts/cherry-bomb_latin';



The CSS and web font files to easily self-host “Cherry Bomb” with subset "latin".


npm install --save @openfonts/cherry-bomb_latin


Typefaces assume you’re using webpack to process CSS and files. Each typeface package includes all necessary font files (woff2, woff) and a CSS file with font-face declarations pointing at these files.

You will need to have webpack setup to load css and font files. Many tools built with Webpack will work out of the box with Typefaces such as Gatsby and Create React App.

To use, simply require the package in your project’s entry file e.g.

// Load Cherry Bomb typeface