
Context for async programming in nodejs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oneloginNodeAsyncContext from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@onelogin/node-async-context';


Node Async Context

It works like thread-local storage in threaded programming, but is based on async hooks that were added into NodeJS in v8.1.0.

Warning: async hooks are marked as experimental feature; therefore, node-async-context shouldn't be used for storing any critical data in production

Use case

Keep context per request in an express app

  • Correlation ID / Request ID - API gateway assign you correlation ID that you want to attach to any log entry, error report or as header when calling an upstream service related to the request
  • metrics - collect metrics related to request, time spent waiting for response from DB, upstream service, etc


Simple express middleware that initialize context and put there Correlation ID received from API gateway:

const { enable, context } = require("@onelogin/node-async-context");


module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
  // creates a new context and bind it to current execution (request)
  // reads correlation ID from request header and store it into context
  context.set("correlation-id", req.get("X-Correlation-ID"));

Configure Winston logger to read Correlation ID from context and make it part of every log entry:

const winston = require("winston");
const { context } = require("@onelogin/node-async-context");

const formatter = entry => {
  return `${entry.level}: ${entry.message} - CID: ${context.get(

module.exports = () => {
  const logger = new winston.Logger({
    transports: [
      new winston.transports.Console({

  return logger;

Read Correlation ID from context and setting it as HTTP header when calling an upstream service:

const superagent = require("superagent");
const { context } = require("@onelogin/node-async-context");

module.exports = {
  listUsers: () => {
    return (
        // send GET request to /users via superagent HTTP client
        // set X-Correlation-ID header based on correlation ID from shared context
        .set("X-Correlation-ID", context.get("correlation-id"))


node-async-context exports:


enables async hooks that powers context; you app will start to listen to async hooks; without calling enable() context won't work


object with following methods:

  • create() creates an empty context and bind it to current execution (set current execution as root of async executions tree which share the same context; in other words, it sets scope of created context to start from this point).
  • set(key, value) set value into current context (key-value store) under given key
  • get(key) => value get value from current context (key-value store) for given key


cleanup method - it disable async hooks and clean storage with contexts