
command-line interface for Gatekeeper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import onehilltechGatekeeperCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@onehilltech/gatekeeper-cli';



command-line interface for Gatekeeper

npm version Build Status Dependencies Coverage Status


npm install -g @onehilltech/gatekeeper-cli

Getting Started

First, we need to setup Gatekeeper from the Blueprint application directory:


This will register the gatekeeper-cli with the current service, and allow you to run the gatekeeper-cli to manage what client and account has access to your service.

Adding a client

Each client (i.e., mobile app, web portal, etc.) must be registered with the service to be allowed access. We can register a new client with the service as follows:

gatekeeper client add --base <base-uri> <name> <email> [scope]

where scope is an optional list of strings that define the access scope for the client (* denotes superuser). The client id and secret will be printed to the console. This should be used with requesting a client-level access token from the service.

Adding a user account

It is also possible to add a user account to the service. The user account represents an individual who has access to the service. Similar to adding a client, you can add a user account:

gatekeeper account add --base <base-uri>

Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the addition process. The username and password are used to create an access token for the user.

Next Steps

For more details, use the --help option.

Happy Coding!