
[sync-proxy] let you write async task chains using synchronous syntax.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import o2vSyncProxy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@o2v/sync-proxy';



[sync-proxy] let you write async task chains using synchronous syntax.

[sync-proxy] has first-class typescript support to help build robust applications.

1. Usages


yarn add @o2v/sync-proxy

npm i @o2v/sync-proxy --save

File index.js:

import { syncProxy } from '@o2v/sync-proxy'
import task from './task.js'

const taskSync = syncProxy(task)

  .then(console.log) // print 'success'

File task.js:

class Task {
  constructor () {
    this.task = this
    this.taskPromise = Promise.resolve(this)
    this.getTaskPromise = () => this.taskPromise
    this.success = 'success'
    this.successPromise = Promise.resolve(this.success)
    this.getSuccess = () => this.success
    this.getSuccessPromise = () => this.successPromise

const task = new Task()
export default task

Before using syncProxy, u should:

import { syncProxy } from '@o2v/sync-proxy'
import task from './task.js'

const getSuccess = async () => {
  const task2 = await taskSync
  const task3 = await task2
  const result = task3

  console.log(result) // print 'success'


Edit in RunKit + npm
var { syncProxy } = require('@o2v/sync-proxy')

class Task {
  constructor () {
    this.task = this
    this.taskPromise = Promise.resolve(this)
    this.getTaskPromise = () => this.taskPromise
    this.success = 'success'
    this.successPromise = Promise.resolve(this.success)
    this.getSuccess = () => this.success
    this.getSuccessPromise = () => this.successPromise

const task = new Task()
const taskSync = syncProxy(task)

  .then(console.log) // print 'success'

  .then(console.log) // print 'success'
  // any sync and async properties or calls ....
  .then(console.log) // print 'success'

2. Todos

1. if an async task returning a proxy, make it promise-unlike.
class Task {
  proxyReturningFunc() {
    return new Proxy({}, {
      get(_, key, receiver) {
        if (key === 'then') { // it's important
          return undefined
        return (...args) => {}

3. Limitations

1. you will never console.log or serialize a synced object
console.log(taskSync.taskPromise) // stack overflow error
console.log(await taskSync.taskPromise) // it may work
2. [BUG] promise.then do not return a promise, it will be fixed in the next release.
  .then(console.log) // print success
  .then(console.log) // unable run as expected
3. typeof do not work