
React DGX SVG Icons

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nyplDgxSvgIcons from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nypl/dgx-svg-icons';



GitHub version

SVG icons used at NYPL Digital as React Components. Version 0.3.12

This project uses Styleguidist to generate a page with all the available icons and their properties here: https://nypl.github.io/dgx-svg-icons/


npm i --save @nypl/dgx-svg-icons


  • npm install
  • npm start
  • Go to localhost:3000


All the icons are exported individually so you can choose which ones you want to import.

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';

import {
} from 'dgx-svg-icons';

  <LionLogoIcon ariaHidden />,

Contributing to this repo

  • Create a feature branch from development
  • From the command line rebuild the /dist directory with npm run build.
  • Optional but useful: rebuild the /docs styleguide with npm run styleguide:build.
  • Add & commit the new /dist and /docs folders and make the pull request with development as the base.
  • Changes must be approved by a peer reviewer
  • Merge changes upon approval
  • Merge development into master
  • Create a tag for use by npmjs.com


There are props that all components use:

prop type
ariaHidden boolean
className string
height string
iconId string
preserveAspectRatio string
svgRole string
title string
width string
viewBox string

By default, the defaultProps generate:

  • viewBox
  • title
  • className
  • preserveAspectRatio
  • svgRole

There are also props such as fill, style, and size for only a few components.

Accessibility Guidelines

There are certain icons that will appear multiple times and have presentational value, but not necessarily semantic or have value with respect to accessibility, and others where there should only be one instance.

In the case of multiple rendering of an icon, such as the three-dotted "more" icon a unique ID is not required and should not be set (unless your application requires it to be set), but it should have the ariaHidden attribute set (if not already set by default in the icon.jsx file).


render(<DotsIcon ariaHidden />);

In the case where a unique id should be set for each instance and in the case of it appearing multiple times. The iconId property will set id="{iconId}" on the svg's title attribute, this will also set aria-labelledby attribute on the <svg> tag. icon.jsx files that should have an id will throw a console error if it is missing, but the .jsx file itself will not set one by default, you must explicitly set it.


render(<LoginIcon iconId="login-icon" />);


We are using Styleguidist as an interactive styleguide for our icon components. To run the styleguide locally, run

    $ npm run styleguide

Alternatively, you can build the styleguide and start a local server in the generated /docs folder. To do so, run

    $ npm run styleguide:build

then run

    $ cd docs && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4000

then go to localhost:4000 to see the styleguide. Doing this will serve the same styleguide that Github Pages will serve up... like a hot-fudge sunday.


Component Name Component Markup
ApplyIcon <ApplyIcon />
AudioDiscIcon <AudioDiscIcon />
AudioHeadphoneIcon <AudioHeadphoneIcon />
BookIcon <BookIcon />
CarouselCircleIcon <CarouselCircleIcon />
CheckSoloIcon <CheckSoloIcon />
CircleDashIcon <CircleDashIcon />
DivideLineIcon <DivideLineIcon />
DotsIcon <DotsIcon />
DownLoadIcon <DownLoadIcon />
DownWedgeIcon <DownWedgeIcon />
DvdDiscIcon <DvdDiscIcon />
EReaderIcon <EReaderIcon />
EnvelopeIcon <EnvelopeIcon />
FaceBookIcon <FaceBookIcon />
FilterIcon <FilterIcon />
FilterCancelIcon <FilterCancelIcon />
GridIcon <GridIcon />
LargePrintIcon <LargePrintIcon />
LeftWedgeIcon <LeftWedgeIcon />
LionLogoIcon <LionLogoIcon />
LionLogoWithText <LionLogoWithText />
LionLogoWithTextInverse <LionLogoWithTextInverse />
ListIcon <ListIcon />
LibraryCardIcon <LibraryCardIcon />
LocatorIcon <LocatorIcon />
LoginIcon <LoginIcon />
LoginIconSolid <LoginIconSolid />
LogoutIcon <LogoutIcon />
MediaBluRayIcon <MediaBluRayIcon />
MenuIcon <MenuIcon />
NYPLTextLogo <NYPLTextLogo />
RadioActiveIcon <RadioActiveIcon />
RadioInactiveIcon <RadioInactiveIcon />
ResetIcon <ResetIcon />
RightWedgeIcon <RightWedgeIcon />
SearchIcon <SearchIcon />
SmallDotClosedIcon <SmallDotClosedIcon />
SmallDotOpenIcon <SmallDotOpenIcon />
TagIcon <TagIcon />
TwitterIcon <TwitterIcon />
XIcon <XIcon />
xCloseIcon <XCloseIcon />
BuildingIcon <BuildingIcon />
GenericWedgeIcon <GenericWedgeIcon />
LeftArrowIcon <LeftArrowIcon />
RightArrowIcon <RightArrowIcon />