
force scroll every screen height, either with or without smooth animation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import noxflyScroll from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@noxfly/scroll';


Scrolling library

current CDN link:

<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/NoxFly/scroll/scroll.min.js'></script>


NPM scroll

  • Works without Jquery

  • Works with arrows

  • does not work on phone

Think to enable this option only if user is in computer.

Does not work with Safari yet (window.scrollTo).

other cool library: SVG library

other cool library: Drag & Drop library


var scroll = new Scroll(elements, transition, wd);
// elements must be a .class
// transition can be either 'smooth' or 'auto' (auto = no transition duration)
// wd is an array of 2 elements :
//  - window
//  - document
// you use this parameter only if you get an error with window and document if you're not passing this parameter
scroll.disableScroll(); // do this like that user cannot scroll normally between each page
// it's not necessary, but it can fix some errors

Something good to know

if user want to reload page while he scrolled, then next scroll (after reloading) will scroll as he's at the top of the document.

To have a better renderer, you can insert following code:

var scroll = new Scroll('.page', 'smooth');

scroll.goTo(0); // this will scroll to the top of the document smoothly while he's reloading !


You must wrap your <div class="pages"> with a <div> or <section> id="wrapper-page"

<section id="wrapper-pages">
    <div class="pages page-1"></div>
    <div class="pages page-2"></div>
    <div class="pages page-3"></div>


This repo has the GPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE.txt.