The package is a wrapper for swagger-express-middleware@1.1.1 It helps you to deal with swagger@2.0 defined apis. It does NOT support openapi@3
npm i --save @noveo/swagger-middleware
npm i --save git+
const swagger = require('@noveo/swagger-middleware');
// Load modules
const loaded = await swagger.loaders.byPackageJson({
folders: ['essences', 'scenarios'],
root: __dirname,
logger: log.child('modules-loader'),
baseApiPath: resolve(__dirname, './api.yml'),
app: { name: appName, version },
server: { protocol, host, port }
const app = express();
// Init secureCollection for adding secure adapters
const secureCollection = swagger.secureCollection;
// Adapters presets for security
const adapters = swagger.adapters;
// Initiate adapter with apiKey presets to secureCollection, passing function secure ad 2nd parameter for checking security
await secureCollection.add(adapters.apiKey, {
check(key) {
return key === 'authKey'
// Initiate adapter with basic auth presets to secureCollection, passing function secure ad 2nd parameter for checking security
await secureCollection.add(adapters.basic, {
check(email, password) {
const user = db.users.findOne({email}, ['password', 'salt']).lean();
if (! user) {
return false;
const cryptoPassword = sha512(password, user.salt);
return (cryptoPassword === user.password);
// Init Doc UI and schema get endpoint
jsonPath: '/swagger.json',
yamlPath: '/swagger.yaml',
ui: {
baseUrl: '/ui/',
docUrl: `${api.basePath}/swagger.json`
// Checks out the correctness of json-response via the provided
// OpenAPI 2 or OpenAPI 3 schema
// Annotates each request with all the relevant information from the Swagger definition.
// The path, the operation, the parameters, the security requirements.
// They’re all easily accessible at req.swagger. It just parses parameters definitions from the API, not the values.
// Values are parsed by parseRequest
// Initiate secure middleware passing secureCollection to it,
// Adds the appropriate CORS headers to each request and automatically responds to CORS preflight requests,
// all in compliance with your Swagger API definition.
// Parses incoming requests and converts everything into the correct data types,
// according to your Swagger API definition.
// It uses body-parser, cookie-parser, multer
// Ensures that every request complies with your Swagger API definition,
// or returns the appropriate HTTP error codes if needed
// You may put handlerStorage made by modules loader or by your hands
handlerStorage: loaded.handlerStorage
// It is for mocks
middleware? Why don't we use swagger-express-middleware files
Why do we use our Our middleware provides not only json api definition, but It provides yaml definition too.
Then our middleware provides api definition explorer UI. You may use files
middleware if you need or
if you find docs
middleware incompatible for you or insecure etc. Please, notice the maintainer
if you have any issues
Debug and logging
It uses debug with main prefix as swagger
as default logger ;
Exported lib is an object with two properties: initMiddleware and loaders
initMiddleware(options) ⇒ It is a wrapper for swagger-express-middleware#createMiddleware
It initializes middlewares
Kind: Function
Returns: Promise.<initMiddlewareResponse>
Param | Type | Mandatory | Default | Example | Description |
options.apiDef | Object or String |
REQUIRED | './api.yml' |
A Swagger Object, or the json file path or URL of your Swagger API. It is forwarded to swagger-parser.dereference | | | express#Router |
REQUIRED | express() |
An Express app It is forwarded to swagger-express-middleware#createMiddleware method | |
options.logger | loggerInstance |
Optional | debug with main prefix as swagger |
noveoLogger.getLogger('swagger') |
Logger instance |
thisisforcellwithyeah | thisisforcellwidthyeah |
is initialized by swagger-express-middleware#createMiddleware
Then some middleware factories like docs
and handler
were added to middleware
and parser
are from swagger-express-middleware#createMiddleware
They are forwarded to callback as third and fourth params, but it is not documented.
Kind: Object
Property | Type | Description |
middleware | middlewareFactories |
Container with swagger-express-middleware middlewares and our middlewares |
api | Object |
It is a Swagger Object, dereferenced by swager-parser.dereference |
parser | SwaggerParser |
It is a Swagger Object, dereferenced by swager-parser.dereference |
Kind: Object
extends instance of swagger-express-middleware Middleware class
Property | Type | Description |
docs | docsMiddlewareFactory |
Factory for creating docs middleware |
handler | handlerMiddlewareFactory |
Factory for creating handlerMiddleware |
<String> |
Other factories of swagger-express-middleware |
docsMiddlewareFactory(options) ⇒ Factory for middleware, which creates routes with json and yaml
api definitions and ui documentation explorer.
The recommended way of usage is to hang it on express route defined as
application basePath. For example, app.use('/base-path',
Kind: Function
Returns: express.Router
Param | Type | Mandatory | Default | Example | Description |
options.jsonPath | String |
Optional | undefined |
'/swagger.json' |
Path for json api definition route. Route does not initialize if the option is falsey |
options.yamlPath | String |
Optional | undefined |
'/swagger.yaml' |
Path for yaml api definition route. Route does not initialize if the option is falsey |
options.ui.baseUrl | String |
Optional | undefined |
'/ui/' |
Url for hanging on some ui routes for html, css, js files. Explorer UI does not initialize if the option is falsey |
options.ui.docUrl | String |
Optional | '' |
'/base-path/swagger.json' |
Url could be relative or absolute. It should contains json api definition. Explorer UI helps to explore the api definition |
options.router | express.Router constructor |
Optional | express.Router of express@4.16.4 |
express.Router |
You may put your own express.Router class of your express version |
options.api | Object |
Optional | api produced by initMiddleware | { swagger: '2.0', ... } |
You may put your own dereferenced api def object |
options.logger | loggerInstance |
Optional | logger put to initMiddleware or debug with main prefix as swagger |
noveoLogger.getLogger('swagger') |
Logger instance |
thisisforcellwidthyeh | thisisforcellwidthyeh | thisisforcellwidthyeah |
Use options.ui.baseUrl
with finishing slash like /ui/
but not like /ui
It uses wildcard like /ui/*
for express routing and swagger-ui-dist
package, that uses relative paths like
. So, the relative with /base/ui
(without finishing slash) would be /base/swagger-ui.css
which is incorrect. The relative with /base/ui/
will be /base/ui/swagger-ui.css
, which is correct.
handlerMiddlewareFactory(options) ⇒ It is a factory for producing a middleware that handles a handlers which are indexed by operationId.
It chooses an operationId by req.swagger data provided by middleware.metadata
It fails without middleware.metadata
Kind: Function
Returns: express.Middleware
Param | Type | Mandatory | Default | Example | Description |
options.handlerStorage | Map | REQUIRED | new Map([['operationId', (req, res, next) => {}]]) |
A storage of operations handlers | |
options.logger | loggerInstance |
Optional | logger put to initMiddleware or debug with main prefix as swagger |
noveoLogger.getLogger('swagger') |
Logger instance |
validateResponseFactory(options) ⇒ It is a factory for response validation
Kind: Function
Returns: express.Middleware
Param | Type | Mandatory | Example | Default | Description |
options.schema | Object | Optional | { swagger: '2.0', ... } |
api produced by initMiddleware | You may put your own dereferenced api def object |
options.logger | loggerInstance |
Optional | noveoLogger.getLogger('swagger') |
logger put to initMiddleware or debug with main prefix as swagger |
Logger instance |
Container for loaders. We have one implemented loader. Each loader should be a Function
, that returns
Kind: Object
Property | Type | Description |
byPackageJson | byPackageJsonLoader |
Loader with algorithm based on package.json file |
An object that loader should resolves
Kind: Object
Property | Type | Description |
api | Object |
Dereferenced api definition object |
handlerStorage | Map<String,express.Middleware> |
A storage of operations handlers |
byPackageJsonLoader(options) ⇒ Kind: Function
Returns: Promise<loaderResponse>
Param | Type | Mandatory | Default | Example | Description |
options.folders | String[] |
Optional | [] |
['essences', 'modules'] |
Array of paths for modules directories. Paths are relative to the root path defined in the root option |
options.root | String |
Optional | process.cwd() |
'./home/web/app/modules-container' |
It is path to root directory of modules. |
options.baseApiPath | String |
REQUIRED | './home/web/app/swagger.yml' |
Path to the api def with base api information | | | String |
Optional | undefined |
'my-app' |
App name could be merge into api def info.title field | | String |
Optional | undefined |
'v0' |
App version could be merged into api def info.version field |
options.server.protocol | String |
Optional | undefined |
'https' |
Server protocol could be merges into api def schemes#0 field | | String |
Optional | undefined |
'localhost' |
Server host partly could be merged into api def host field |
options.server.port | String or Number |
Optional | undefined |
'8000' |
Server port partly could be merged into api def host filed |
options.logger | loggerInstance |
Optional | debug with main prefix as swagger |
noveoLogger.getLogger('swagger') |
Logger instance |
thisisforcellwidth | thisisforcellwidth | thisisforcellwidth |
How it loads modules
- It looks for directories into the folders you pointed as
option - It looks for files
in the directories - It considers
of byPackageJsonLoader-packageDef type - It loads api definitions from files described in api definition options
- It loads controllers from files described in api actions options
- If it finds valid package.json it loads the module as defined in package.json. That means it advances common api definition with module routes.
It is an object that describes how to load module using byPackageJsonLoader
Kind: Object
Property | Type | Example | Description |
name | String |
'Module name' |
Name of the module |
api[].definition | String |
'./api.yml' |
Path to the module api definition. It is forwarded to swagger-parser to .dereference() method. Look at swagger-parser if you have any questions |
api[].actions | String |
'./controllers.js' |
Path to the js file that exports object with props keys like operationIds in the module api definition. And props values should be route controllers which implement such interface as function (req, res, next) . Yes, it should be handlers like for express and for swagger-express-middleware. Each should responds with res.send() or res.json() or forwards errors with next(err) |
thisisforcellwidth | thisisforcellwidth |
Kind: Object
instance of logger with defined methods
Property | Type | Description |
info | logMethod |
logger on info level |
debug | logMethod |
logger on debug level |
warn | logMethod |
logger on warn level |
error | logMethod |
logger on error level |
thisisforcellwidth |
Kind: Function
Returns: void
Param | Type | Mandatory | Default | Example | Description |
msg | String |
Optional | '' |
'controller is requestd' |
Message for logging |
thisisforcellwidth |
Kind: Function
Description Main secure middleware, checking every response for contain security
Returns: void
Param | Type | Mandatory | Description |
secureCollection | Object | REQUIRED | Object that contains initiated secure functions |
Kind: Factory
Description Factory that used for adding/getting and store all security functions that passed to her.
Returns: void
Functions | Example | Description |
add | secureCollection.add(adapters.apiKey, {check => {}}) |
Add adapter to registeredAdapters list |
get | secureCollection.get( apiKey) |
Get adapter by name from registeredAdapters list |
Kind: Object
Description Collection that contains auth type templates like apiKey,basicAuth. Each element of collection is an object and contains adapter defaultType and init function
Returns: Object with adapters
Param | Type | Example | Description |
apiKey | Object | {defaultType: 'apiKey', init() => {} |
apiKey auth object |
basic | Object | {defaultType: 'basic', init() => {} |
basic auth object |
TODO and questions
- Add logging to responseValidation
- Check with security definitions
- Add tests
- Put secure and validateResponse into middlewareFactories description (documentation)
- Put secure and adapters into Index (documentation)
- Update swagger-express-middleware to v2.0.0