
A general-purpose notification system built on top of redux

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commercetoolsFrontendNotifications from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commercetools-frontend/notifications';



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A general-purpose notification system built on top of redux.


$ npm install --save @commercetools-frontend/notifications

Action Creator

addNotification(notification, [options])


  1. notification (Object): This notification will get added to the list. See Notification.
  2. [options] (Object): If specified, further customizes the behavior of the notification.
  • [dismissAfter = 0] (Number): dismiss the component after this duration (milliseconds)
  • [onDismiss] (Function): Callback which will get called with the notification's id before it is dismissed.

The payload must be a Notification object. The id will be added by the middleware automatically.


After dispatching a notification to the middleware a notificationHandle will be returned.

  id: Number,
  dismiss: Function,


  id: Number,

A notification in the state will always have an id which gets added by the middleware automatically, plus any props passed as the payload on creation.

Action Format

  payload: Object,
  meta: {
    dismissAfter: Number



  1. id (Number): This notification will be removed

Example action

  payload: Number,


The middleware

  • adds a unique id to every notification
  • handles scheduling removal of notifications specifying dismissAfter
  • returns a notificationHandle for each dispatched notification containing its id and a dismiss function for convenience.


import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { middleware as notificationsMiddleware } from '@commercetools-frontend/notifications';
import rootReducer from './reducers';

// Note: this API requires redux@>=3.1.0
const store = createStore(


Mount the reducer on your notifications store slice.



  notifications: reducer,
  ...more reducers here...

Action Types

Although not required for use in the application, these are exported as well.


They can be used for filtering out notification actions in the logger.


With React

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { removeNotification } from '@commercetools-frontend/notifications'

// Accepts a notification map function,
// which returns the component based on the notification.
// function mapNotificationToComponent (notification) {
//   const map = {
//     'success': SuccessNotification,
//     'intercom': IntercomNotification,
//   }
//   return map[notification.kind] || InfoNotification
// }
// accept notifications, which should come from connecting to the store

class LeftNavigation extends React.PureComponent {
  static propTypes: {
    notifications: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired,
    mapNotificationToComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  render () {
    return (
            notification => {
              const Component = this.props.mapNotificationToComponent(notification)
              const dismiss = () => removeNotification(notification.id)
              return (

  • The notification system is unaware of the types of notifications you are going to dispatch. It's recommended to call the types of notifications you have kind, to not confuse it with Action Types.
  • The notification system is also unaware of the domain's used in the application. A domain is the part of the application where the notification will be displayed. We currently have: global, page and side
  • addNotification is a low-level function. It's recommended to use it in your own action-creators, and use your own action-creators in your application exclusively calling addNotification behind the scenes.
  • to hide all notifications, iterate over the notifications in the state and call removeNotification(id) on each one: state.notifications.forEach(notif => removeNotification(notif.id)). Simply resetting the state would lead to the onDismiss callbacks not being fired.
  • It's entirely up to you to render the notifications. Connect to the store and iterate over them.
  • If your notifications need to have different styles or even different React components when rendering, use the kind to decide which component to render or which style to use.
  • Since notifications are stored in the Redux store, they should be serializeable. Avoid setting functions on notifications. Again, use the kind, pass any required information and handle it in the component rendering the notification.