
Everything related to render the index.html for a MC application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commercetoolsFrontendMcHtmlTemplate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commercetools-frontend/mc-html-template';



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This package contains utils and scripts related to the index.html for a MC application in production.


$ npm install --save @commercetools-frontend/mc-html-template


generateTemplate({ cssChunks: Array<cssPath>, scriptChunks: Array<scriptPath> }): String

This method will return the compiled HTML document with the CSS/JS scripts injected.

NOTE that the HTML document will still have the placeholders (see replaceHtmlPlaceholders)

replaceHtmlPlaceholders(html: String, { env: Object, headers: Object, cliFlags: Object }): String

This method will replace the placeholders defined in the HTML document based on the application config.

This method should be used as the final step to get the fully compiled index.html.

At the moment we define the following placeholders:

  • __CDN_URL__: the cdnUrl value defined in the application config
  • __MC_API_URL__: the mcApiUrl value defined in the application config
  • __LOADING_SCREEN_CSS__: (defined internally) the CSS for the loading animation in case the page takes longer to load
  • __LOADING_SCREEN_JS__: (defined internally) the JS for the loading animation in case the page takes longer to load
  • __APP_ENVIRONMENT__: the sanitized application config environment, which will be available at the global variable window.app
  • __DATALAYER_JS__: the initial configuration for GTM, in case the trackingGtm is defined in the additionalEnv property of the application config
  • __GTM_SCRIPT__: the actual GTM script, in case the trackingGtm is defined in the additionalEnv property of the application config
  • __CSP__: the generated Content-Security-Policy directives, defined as an HTML meta tag

processHeaders(applicationConfig: Object, { env: Object, headers: Object }): Object

This method will return the security headers to be used on the server response, serving the index.html.

The applicationConfig.env is the processed application environment that would be injected as the window.app. The applicationConfig.headers is the processed application headers provided by the user.

The return value of the processHeaders function contains the following ready-to-use HTTP headers:

  "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000",
  "X-XSS-Protection": "1; mode=block",
  "X-Content-Type-Options": "nosniff",
  "X-Frame-Options": "DENY",
  "Content-Security-Policy": "...",
  "Feature-Policies": "..."

Bundler entry points

The package exposes some special entry points used by specific bundlers to use the HTML template.


If you use Webpack with the HtmlWebpackPlugin, you can pass the webpack entry point that will map the Webpack template params to our generic generateTemplate method.

new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
  template: require.resolve(
  // ...