
Core isomorphic code for the KnAllEdge module - services

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import colaboUtilsINotifications from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@colabo-utils/i-notifications';



This is a KnAllEdge core-sevices puzzle of the isomorphic part of the KnAllEdge module of the Colabo.Space ecosystem

It covers all isomorphic (it can run both on frontend and backend and services), but opinionated (currently using axios http library) business API client (accessing to the KnAllEdge REST API provided with @colabo-knalledge/b-* puzzles).


# It will create globaly accessable npm package `@colabo-utils/i-notifications`
npm link


# Imports it in the local node_modules space of the hosting app
npm link @colabo-utils/i-notifications

As we use Angular-like decorators, we have to set experimentalDecorators option in the tsconfig.json file.