Provides a React component that allows interaction with smart contracts on an Ethereum blockchain using the Cogito app. It provides the same functionality as the Cogito Ethereum package in a React friendly way.
Add @cogitojs/cogito-ethereum-react
as a dependency:
yarn add @cogitojs/cogito-ethereum-react
and import it:
import { CogitoEthereumReact } from '@cogitojs/cogito-ethereum-react'
The CogitoEthereumReact
component accepts the following props:
prop name | description |
contractsBlobs | Array of contracts JSON blobs - see Working with Contracts for more details. |
channelId | identifier of the Telepath channel. If omitted a new random channel id will be created. |
channelKey | a symmetric key of the Telepath channel. If omitted a new random key will be created. |
appName | the name of the app. Cogito app shows the appName when requesting user signature. |
onTelepathChanged | function to be called when the telepath channel has been updated. Provides an object { channelId, channelKey, appName } as an argument. |
render | render prop - a function that will be called every time the component is updated. It provides { cogitoWeb3, telepathChannel, contractsProxies, newChannel } as an argument, where cogitoWeb3 is an instance of Web3 that uses CogitoProvider, telepathChannel is an instance of Telepath, and contractsProxies is an object holding the references to contracts proxies corresponding to the provided contracts JSON blobs (see Working with Contracts for details). newChannel is a function to change the current channel to a new one. This function will trigger calling the render prop (or child) function, which means the whole tree below it will be (re)rendered. If this prop is present, it will take precedence over the children . |
The example below illustrates how to use the CogitoEthereumReact
import { CogitoEthereumReact } from '@cogitojs/cogito-ethereum-react'
import { SimpleStorage } from '@cogitojs/demo-app-contracts'
class Main extends React.Component {
web3IsReady = ({cogitoWeb3, telepathChannel, contractsProxies}) => {
return (cogitoWeb3 && telepathChannel && contractsProxies.SimpleStorage)
onTelepathChanged = ({ channelId, channelKey, appName }) => {
console.log('Telepath channel changed:')
console.log(`channelId: ${channelId}`)
console.log(`channelKey: ${channelKey}`)
console.log(`appName: ${appName}`)
render () {
return (
<CogitoEthereumReact contractsBlobs={[SimpleStorage()]}
appName='Cogito Demo App'
{web3Props => {
if (this.web3IsReady(web3Props)) {
return (
<button onClick={web3Props.newChannel()}>
Change channel
} else {
return (
<p>Please wait...</p>
export { Main }
If you prefer using render
prop, the render
method would look like this:
render () {
return (
<CogitoEthereumReact contractsBlobs={[SimpleStorage()]}
appName='Cogito Demo App'
render={web3Props => {
if (this.web3IsReady(web3Props)) {
return (
<button onClick={web3Props.newChannel()}>
Change channel
} else {
return (
<p>Please wait...</p>
}} />