
Minimalistic translating function for JavaScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codewellTranslate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codewell/translate';



Minimalistic translating function for JavaScript


npm install @codewell/translate

Basic Usage

import translate from '@codewell/translate';

const dictionary = {
    words: [
            translations: [
                {language: "foo", word: "foo"},
                {language: "bar", word: "bar"},

// Set dictionary
const translatedWithDictionary = translate(dictionary);

// Set language
const toFooLanguage = translatedWithDictionary("foo");

// Translate word in dictionary to language
const toFooLanguage("bar"); // => "foo"

// Or
translate(dictionary)("foo")("bar"); // => "foo"


Write tests in the tests/ folder


  1. Make a dry reslease with npm run dry-release. This will generate a file packagename-x.x.x.tgz.
  2. Install the package in your other application/package by running npm install path/to/packagename-x.x.x.tgz.
  3. Import and use as usual in you application/package.


  1. Run npm run release
  2. Push the code to github
  3. Update package version
    • npm version patch updates x.x.1 -> x.x.2
    • npm version minor updates x.1.x -> x.2.x
    • npm version major updates 1.x.x -> 2.x.x
  4. Run npm publish --access public


Please help by posting issues here on github